
Thursday, January 25, 2024

Reefer Madness Lady gets a pass

The California woman who was convicted of killing her boyfriend by stabbing him 108 times during a “cannabis-induced psychosis” received a slap on the wrist Tuesday. 

Bryn Spejcher, 33, was sentenced to two years’ probation and was ordered to perform 100 hours of community service after being found guilty of killing her new boyfriend, Chad O’Melia, according to the Ventura County Star.


  1. So by this judges thinking, the Father, distraught at the injustice of it all, smokes some pot and falls into a psychotic rage strong enough to hunt down his Son's killer and kill her. It would then not be his fault, but the drugs fault. With precedence set already then it looks like an open and shut case of not guilty.

  2. That shit must have been laced with something. The most violent I ever got was killing a huge plate of nachos.


    1. I'm sure they must have tested her for PCP. That seems to be the most likely thing to cause such actions.

  3. And just when you think CA couldn't get any weirder.

  4. What this does is give an out for murder for every single person who smoked pot (and can prove it) . All you gotta do is fire up before you kill someone and then blame the weed.

    I wonder how much the judge got paid and how soon he will retire?

    1. Hell, if you have time, fire up afterwards. Unless they pretty much catch you red handed, a blood test won't reveal exactly when you smoked. Is this the most fucked up thing to come from the California justice system?

  5. So, she's now single and available?

    I think I'll pass, just the same.

  6. The sooner the San Andreas fault pops off, the better off the world will be.

  7. Does it say what color the killer is?
    That would explain a lot.


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