
Monday, January 22, 2024

Commentary: A Pointless Republican Primary

President Trump will almost certainly be the Republican nominee. He is far ahead in every primary poll. His supporters originally worried that he would be too polarizing and would go down in flames in the general election, but it appears he will also win the general election against incompetent, unpopular, and increasingly demented Joe Biden.

Indictments, lawfare, media propaganda, and phalanx-style opposition from the organs of conservatism have all been arrayed against Trump. He has also earned the contempt of the managerial class’s elite: the judges, the academics, and the think tankers, as well as the GS and SES class around Washington, D.C.

Even so, his enemies have barely dented him.


  1. We just need to vote harder. Wild Bill

  2. China Joe is a bait & switch candidate, he'll be replaced at the last moment with a grievance mascot - like Moochelle - and provided with blanket pardons for himself and all his family. Thus denying the Dem voters their own primaries and any choice to replace him, and installing their next candidate. Trump should be proclaiming this every chance he gets so as to cement FJB in place and alienating Democracist voters from their own party.

    Because most people vote against, not for. Nobody much likes any of these people. It's more a matter of which side can be assigned the most hate. Negative campaigning is what works. I opine that a true opposition party (GOP is fake) would be plastering the ghettos with memes of LBJ and his quote about getting the Ns voting Dem for the next 200 years. Trying to win the black vote is a fruitless goal, but angering them against the Dems would help.

    Spread the hate.

    1. Doubt that would work, Blacks say the same and worse about each other all the time.
      Show them the money works.

  3. FBI is actively looking for Grassy Knolls.


    1. They're amateurs Maybe they should partner with the CIA's Arkancide chapter.

  4. Seems fitting - a lot of Reps are pointless already.

  5. The funniest thing to me is the fact that this lawfare against him has caused people that were 'on the fence' to support him now. The left has shown the world how evil and corrupt they really are.

  6. Primaries are the functions of the political parties and nothing more. Parties and primaries are found nowhere in the constitution and any state that has its tax payers pay for the primaries is nothing but stooges for the DNC and RNC.

    1. Great comment! Both parties are private companies that help the wealthy get richer and provide jobs to amoral lawyers who can’t get real job.

  7. Read earlier how Glenn "cheet-o dust face" Beck told Trump to pick Ramaswamy, then there was some Real Clear Politics poll that suggested a Trump-Kennedy ticket would handily beat out Biden. Ramaswamy or Kennedy as Trump's VP would be dealbreakers for me. Ramaswamy is a ringer and was never really "in it to win it" anyway & Kennedy is for everything that Trump opposes.

    1. So you vote Biden? We have shitty choices again.

  8. Trump was elected in spite of the GOP.
    "Forces of Anarchy" prevented his reelection
    ...and are doing their Gott damndest to do it in 2024.

  9. I recommend this as Trump's campaign song -

    1. I'd like to suggest "Won't Get Fooled Again"

  10. No it does have a point. The Republican primary will give all the Dimocrats a chance to cross over and vote for their favorite RINO Nikki Haley. The Dims plus the establishment RINOs may drag the Globalist Haley over the finish line of the Republican nomination only to lose as planned to the Dimocrat in the general election because Trumps base of "America First" Republicans with a Capital R won't come out and vote for her in the general. Hell it is time for the conservatives to either take the party back or sit back and watch the fall of the country and pick up the pieces when the masses are starving.

  11. I dunno, after hearing the SCOTUS ruling about the Texas border, I awat their ruling on Trump's 14th amendment case

  12. Doesn’t surprise me. Constitution says federal government has responsibility for immigration not any state. Doesn’t say anything about how it should be implemented.

    1. Is trying to prevent tresspassers and unauthorized persons from entering your state actually "enforcing immigration"?
      The other question I don't hear being asked is OK we all know the Feds are responsible, but what happens when they abdicate that role?
      To me, just like if the police or other entity We the People have asked to do a certain job that the average citizen used to do refuses to do it, then it falls back to We the People.
      EVERYONE on the right needs to forcefully refute the use of the word "immigrant" to describe illegal alien tresspassers!

  13. The news from Dixville Notch this AM says that Nikki is going to win NH. I rather doubt that, however I'm surprised that Dixville has been infiltrated with people that can't see the forest for the trees.

    Used to be a staunch conservative town when it was inhabited by working folks.



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