
Thursday, January 11, 2024

Democrats Propose Bill to Neuter Militias

Militias who like to spend their weekends training to overthrow the government could find themselves running afoul of federal law, under new legislation being proposed in the House and Senate Thursday that seeks to curtail paramilitary activity.

The “Preventing Private Paramilitary Activity Act” is being introduced by Senator Ed Markey from Massachusetts, and Congressman Jamie Raskin of Maryland, both Democrats. 

The legislation would prohibit publicly patrolling, drilling or engaging in harmful or deadly paramilitary activities, interfering with or interrupting government proceedings, interfering with someone else exercising their constitutional rights, falsely assuming the role of law enforcement, and “training to engage in such behavior.” 


Meh. This doesn't affect me at all. If I wanted to hang out with undercover FBI agents and informants, I'd have joined the FBI.

I do wonder though if this law passes, will it only affect Right Wing militias or will it also include the Leftist darlings Antifa as well?


  1. 3 can keep a secret if 2 are dead......

    1. Maybe waterboarding was invented to counter that 3 minus 2 senario, anon.

    2.'s not waterboarding if you use diesel

  2. What this is designed to do is ban any kind of tactical training for civilians. Anything other than flat-range paper-punching will be considered "militia training"...

  3. If the government was not so heavy handed in how they deal with the public, there would be little reason for militias to form. Sort of 'which came first - chicken or the egg ?'

    Be a good idea to keep an eye out on any new folks edging in and asking 'Hey - Does Big Government make you angry as much as it does me ?'

    1. Don't forget one of your life-long friends that got arrested for something embarrassing just to have the feds say 'Work for us or we make your arrest not only public but front page news.' Those are the ones you have to watch out for.

  4. Replies
    1. It has been ''selectively'' enforced for quite awhile now ... Left gets a slap on the hand for Burn Loot Murder ... not to mention no bail and no punishment for raids/theft below $1000 in Califruitopia and other blue Dem run big cities ( ghettoes with most of the knee grows ?? ).. While any Patriotic American will be hunted down and prosecuted for any minor offense , didn't Slow pedo Joe say the other day , they would hunt down/prosecute anybody that were pro USA but weren't even there at the DC Jan 6 fake insurrection started and encouraged by the Fed fakes (ray Epps and other 100 + ) We will never know all of ''how far are they gonna go with this charade '' ... Hard to call it an inssurection when everyone got a nice tour and stayed within the velvet guide ropes /pAth markers , exept a couple of Jackasses like the buffalo idiot and a couple that were outside the ropes and being stupid ... Kinda hard to call it that when everybody did nothing but get a well guided tour ... Dems have gone WAY overboard on this and have shown their hand as traitors /and ANTI Americans .. I'm happy to be a Canadian in Canada , but Trudeau is just as bad or worse than Biden ... Isn't there a clause that actually allows the people to dissavow and cancel the Fed GVMT written into the Constitution ??? But as good old George Washington said , A Republic M,amm , but only ''IF'' you can keep it ...


  5. It will only affect those not in power at the time of persecution, just like now. Use lawfare to punish your enemies while letting your allies walk. While I knew J6 was not a bacon tree, but a ham bush, many didn't. Some dumbasses still don't. That's one of the benefits of that long march through academia and the institutions. A dumbed down, mostly compliant population, with the exception of a small minority of true believers who will be more than happy to crush anyone willing to raise their voice in protest. Once we give the low IQ turd worlders citizenship, "they" will enjoy total control. Look at the poor Germans right now. Too little, too late.

  6. Of course the Black Panters will be exempt, as will other Black Group except those that might be on the Right

    1. Come to think of it, whatever happened to the Not F***ing Around Coalition? Are they still a thing, or have they managed to kill themselves off by now?

  7. I notice Hugo Chavez' buddy Ed Markey doesn't mention the John Bown Gun Club. He's probably written an exemption into the law for them, since they support a Chavez/Markey form of Democracy.

  8. The only training allowed will be Mislum training.

  9. Gee... I wonder what these people are afraid of...

    ...Keeping politicians in fear of WE, THE PEOPLE, is the WHOLE IDEA behind the Second Amendment!

    Be afraid, politicians... VERY afraid...

  10. "I do wonder though if this law passes, will it only affect Right Wing militias or will it also include the Leftist darlings Antifa as well?"

    Good question, Kenny.
    My sediments exactly.

  11. It’s almost like they are afraid.

    TMF Bert

  12. Raskin & Markey are two elected officials this country would be better off without. I'd also say it's probably unconstitutional as it infringes on freedom of association.

  13. #8 in Thursday Gif, will be in trouble when the bill passes.

  14. LOL! Laws don't apply to the left... or their minions! If you haven't figured that out by now you truly haven't been paying attention.

  15. I seem to remember reading something about a Well Regulated Militia some where.

    1. Yeah. That reference was from the writings of some old white slave owners that have been dead for 200 years. Who cares about them. They were a bunch of racists who used their White Privilege to oppress people of color in order to enrich themselves. Bastards.

  16. I find it interesting that there is an American custom of putting yard signs out for your preferred candidate.

    In the coming sporty times wouldn't it be nice to have a record of those who push the Communist candidates?

    If only there were a small handheld device capable of taking pictures that accompanied you wherever you go.

  17. Mary McCord is behind this. It is a way to scurry up action for the institue she founded.

    Paramil orgs are already unlawful in all 50 states. This bill, plus others like it currently before state legislators, is part of the whole of government policy to clamp down on private citizens.

  18. "The legislation would prohibit publicly patrolling, drilling or engaging in harmful or deadly paramilitary activities"

    Fine. We'll do it in private.

  19. The door is open , no need to knock I will spot you coming .


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