
Thursday, January 11, 2024

Democrats Want Convicts To Vote, But No Ballot Access For Non-Convict Trump

Although former President Donald Trump hasn’t been convicted of a crime despite two impeachments, FBI investigations, and myriad prosecutions, Democrats want him stripped from ballots while their party supports ballot access for criminals.


In 2023, 20 House Democrats cosponsored a bill to allow people still serving sentences for their crimes to vote in federal elections. Its cosponsors include Reps. Jerry Nadler and Dan Goldman, two key players in attempts to deprive Trump of his constitutional right to a fair trial and equal treatment under the law.


  1. i like trump a lot and do not understand what all the fuss is about. maybe--i would guess-that democrats just want to destroy the USA, and hate anyone that stands in their way.

    1. Bingo correct, Avraham. Like little kids who don't want to have total possession of their favorite toy they'll destroy it rather than share. Look at the insane tactics the Democrats are employing to keep the borders open, shuttling moola to Ukraine, manipulating voting rules, the MSM making up stuff about Trump and ignoring Biden. I can kinda understand assholes like Ilhan Omar the brother fucker not liking the country, but there's thousands of home grown delusional Marxist indoctrinated douchebags who hate the country too.

  2. Just more of the lefts mantra...rules are for thee, never for me.

  3. The leftist extremists as usual are employing the communist manifesto , and it's working for a half / large portion ,/ too many of the mainstream sheeple ( but I'm just preaching to the choir here , I know ) ..... The left has convinced them to ignore humanity , and simply ignore and deny simple basic , grade 3 biology , everyone knows there's a difference between boys and girls , those leftists are completely and totally crazy commie and anti freedom .. It's pretty damn obvious now with the tranny issu ... Please don't get me started ... This world has gone beyond halfway crazy


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