
Thursday, January 11, 2024

Mexican-American Billionaire from New York Funds ‘Tennessee 11’ to Push Gun Control Agenda via ‘Citizen Solutions’ in 2024

The foundation created by Mexican-American “social entrepreneur” and billionaire Daniel Lubetzky is funding a group called the “Tennessee 11,” which seeks to pass a red flag law and other gun control legislation this year in Tennessee.


  1. Please tell me again why there is anti-semitism.

    1. Please tell me again why there is anti-liberalism would be a better question.

    2. All of a sudden, for no reason at all, ...

    3. every single time.....

    4. Our imported diversity is our strength. The Somali family next door with the genitally mutilated daughters is just as American, and just as important to preserving the American way of life, (we love genital mutilation here, amirite?) as the Marine captain with a silver star and a bronze star (with V device) who is a member of the Society of Cincinnatus, can trace his lineage back to Jamestown, and can list four ancestors who died at Valley Forge, and two more who survived and got medals for valor. Exactly. The. Same!1!
      Anyone who disagrees is obviously a bigot.

  2. Mexican chicken swinger!

    Chutes Magoo

  3. The Democrats in control here in Michigan including the Empress of Lansing, passed a red flag law that took effect in January.
    I blame a lot of it on the NRA and the lack of money spent on elections in the past few years, due to them spending big on legal issues, brought on by corrupt leadership. I hope that they will smack WLP and cronies in the ongoing lawsuit in NY.

  4. The social entrepeneur screams out in pain as he slides the gun control narrative into your community.

  5. What part of "shall not be infringed" do these morons not understand? Oh wait... ALL of it, right?

    1. And they all have been invited to a backyard pecker pull at Cohen's in Mempho.


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