
Friday, January 26, 2024

Director of Modesto LGBTQ+ organization among those arrested in child predator sting

The executive director of the Rainbow Resource Center, a leading Modesto-based LGBTQ+ support center, was confirmed to be one of 17 men arrested on suspicion of eliciting sex with a minor. 

Gerad Slayton, 42, was arrested during a sting operation conducted by the Turlock Police Department set up to catch predators allegedly seeking to meet minors with the intent to have sex with them.


What's really telling about this article is the organization doesn't say a word about how wrong it was and how the motherfucker deserved to be shot.
The strongest things they have to say about it is "Slayton’s arrest needed “to be properly addressed”" and that it didn't happen on the premises. That's it.

Yeah, I used to live in Modesto but I never saw or heard of anything like this. Hell, I never even saw any flamboyant gays when I lived in the area just 8 years ago.


  1. I used to believe a wood chipper to be the appropriate disposal tool for such trash. But, immolation might be a better way.

    TMF Bert

    1. I think you captured the essence of the problem. Chip and shred them up and send them all to hell!

  2. As a nation, we have willingly sacrificed the innocent in the name of tolerance of degeneracy. History will judge us as Americans very harshly for this.

  3. These people need to be publicly fed into a wood chopper feet first!

  4. I'll go start the wood chipper.....

  5. And THAT's why, ladies and gentlemen, the left is working hard to normalize pedophilia. They already have their Pedophile Of The Unites States.

    1. According to CA State Senator Scott Weiner (D-SF-Queer), they're not pedophiliacs, they're 'Minor Attracted Persons'.

  6. Now here is where having a few Sharia-Law-Enforcement types around would be beneficial to society, devastating to the democrats.

  7. If it had been a dog the hurt the child it would have been put down.

  8. One could perhaps say that over the last 10 years or so we have elected officials that are part of this group? Closeted to get our votes. Then once elected they become agents for their own degeneracy? Our children should be the only protected class.

  9. As Deplorables, we need to take this nation back.

  10. I have little sympathy for these lowlifes. The should all be banded like a steer and left to watch their genitals die and drop off, in a very uncomfortable cell somewhere.
    I am a very solid Christian, with beliefs that many find offensive to their own ideas about what God actually said about these sinful POS. I tend to trust the Bible as opposed to the thoughts of men.
    That said, it is telling that these perverts never are trying to get together with 17 and a half year old, hot looking near adults. It is always those of that young age, around 13 or so, that they want to rape. My meaning from that is these are not just horny, oversexed monsters but rather they are mentally ill with no sense of any moral compass whatsoever.
    I am pretty tolerant as far as how someone wants to live their lives. Gay, lesbian, even so called "transgender" people, so long as they don't harm anyone else I can leave them alone. But as has often been said, these perverts cannot reproduce and so they instead recruit. Like in Rome, our turning away from the principles that God set forth will lead us to ruin and the dustbin of history.
    America won't be destroyed from without but most certainly by forces from within.

  11. Put em back in the closet or the ground. DGAF. Homosexual males are 90% pedos. Pedos bring them into the club. Some astronomical stat (in the 90 percentile range) report their first sexual exp wasnt with a peer, it was with an adult. Its how they procreate and why they are so desperate to be in schools. It was in my lifetime that homosexuality denied you from teaching, military, intellegence and LE professions...for a fucking reason. There is a reason the elders outlawed homosexuality it was disruptive to societies and bred disease.

  12. FTA: The Rainbow Center statement expressed a willingness to be transparent about the arrest and holding itself accountable, saying that Slayton’s arrest needed “to be properly addressed” and that it was “committed to maintaining a safe, inclusive and respectful environment.”

    Fuck that shit! These perverts need to be afraid of what will happen if they even mentally sexualize a child. I’m fucking done with making sure homos and pedophiles feel “safe and included.” These motherfuckers need to either go back into the closet or launched into the sun.

    I’m not talking about the average gay person who is just as horrified as I at kiddie rapists, I’m talking about the fucking perverts.

  13. I have long been a proponent of feet first into the wood chipper until the realization that it would be over far too quickly. I say we first feed them through a swing jaw crusher to break bones and then let them ride over a mile on a loose conveyor with the support rollers spaced further apart before being fed through a wood shredder since they turn alot slower and could ensure a painful end. And yet that still seems too kind.


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