
Tuesday, January 09, 2024

Federal Employees’ Political Donations Largely Went to Biden, Other Dems in 2023

Over 60% of political donations to prominent political committees made by employees of the federal government’s 15 cabinet-level departments flowed to President Joe Biden and other Democrats in 2023, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation analysis of Federal Election Commission records.


  1. No surprise. Even slaves were beholding to their masters for food and shelter as shitty as it was.

  2. Of course they did. They all live in DC or NoVA or MD and vote for their own pocketbooks. IMHO, Federal employees should be disqualified from voting for federal offices.

  3. I'm actually shocked. I would've figured it was 80% or more.

  4. I was laid off from a govt job the day after the electoral count was certified ... because I supported Trump. Did you know that while DJT was President, I was asked to take his picture down from a govt wall. Not because of Hatch but because it offended people. While he was President and technically their boss. FJB

  5. And in other news, water is wet.

  6. They know Joe Bribem won't fire them or lay them off like Trump would. Way to many government employees on the payroll...

  7. well, he gave them all a nice big raise


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