
Tuesday, January 09, 2024

The Association of Mature American Citizens Has Quietly Become A Conservative Powerhouse

For decades now, AARP, which once stood for the American Association of Retired Persons and has been subsequently rebranded as just a set of initials that stand for nothing, has been one of the most influential lobby groups in Washington, D.C. Though AARP was supposed to represent a large and politically diverse cross-section of older Americans, its transformation into an overtly partisan Democrat organization is hard to deny.


  1. AARP just came out recommending to its members that they get another Covid "vaxx." Talk about killing off your own membership.

  2. AARP pushing covid booster shots so they can just FOAD.

  3. This has been the case for decades. I reckon they need to recycle the news for the new old people. Because none pay attention, they know only what is told them.

  4. I dumped AARP when they supported Obamacare. I am now a happy member of AMAC.

  5. Replies
    1. OK, forget that. Worst website for commerce I've ever seen. If I judge the site be the effort they put you through to sign up, I'll pass.

  6. I thought AARP mostly existed to scare the shit out of old people and sell them skeezy insurance.

  7. AMAC is endorsed by Michael Medved. Show me who you are with, and I will tell you who you are. I'll pass.

  8. History of AARP, Leonard Davis founded it. Also founded Colonial Life Penn. The Post Office was after both organization due to AARP pushing Colonial Life on its members. Of course there was no push back. He died in 2001. But check out his legacy, Alan Davis has control over his fathers Leonard and Sophie Davis Fund. If you want to know how left wing this "non-profit" is. Just put it in your browser and you will see. I know from experience, I had to deal with them on a gift. Yes, I am a fundraiser.

  9. AARP is basically an insurance broker. I was forced to buy ads in their monthly rag because I had an RV dealer with a national brand. $5,500 per insertion as I recall. Bend over. The new guys emerging might be a breath of fresh air.


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