
Thursday, January 11, 2024

Good Morning



  1. Miss my buddy. Passed 3 months ago. Went everywhere with me. Don't know if I have it in me to get another Husky puppy though - the first two years were a lot of work.

    1. I hear ya. Couldn’t agree more.
      One of the best things in my entire life was the poochie I didn’t want but the wife selected because the kids did want a dog and I was overruled. He ended up being such a great companion.
      But now the wife is gone, the kids have their own families. And poochie has gone to doggy heaven.
      I kinda want another dog but I’m just not sure I’m really up for the commitment.

    2. Be careful about the breed you select, unless you plan to devote a large part of your time to the dog. Many of them are fine dozing most of the day until you have time, but others require much more attention. Working dogs (like sled dogs and sheep-herding dogs) must be kept busy - it's great if you have an active job for them and time to train them for it, but otherwise you must put in the time and creativity to make them think they're earning their living or they will find something to do - like digging holes through the carpet. Hunting dogs like beagles tolerate down-time better, but they expect you to train them and work with them. Small dogs are likely to be neurotically dependent, and some run around frenetically until exhausted and then go into a deep sleep - it's a real pain when the "run like you're keeping an army of scorpions from the house" phase is 2 to 4 am!

  2. Loyal companions for life. Life is good with a dog

  3. I went for a canoe ride in a little Sierra lake called Sawmill Lake with my best dog ever years ago. The lake is very shallow and its water is crystal clear. Boyd had a great time watching the fish swimming. He barely looked up the whole time we were out. We both had a wonderful day that day.
    Miss you, Boyd.


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