
Friday, January 12, 2024

Hey, we all have our favorite stores, right?

CHICAGO — Myles Webb used to work for CVS. He doesn’t anymore, and it’s not looking like he’ll be considered for future positions. 

Prosecutors say Webb robbed a West Loop CVS last week while he was on probation for burglarizing an Edgewater CVS, which he also robbed two times. Webb, 31, is now being held at the Cook County jail as a public safety threat while he faces a new aggravated robbery charge.


  1. Well, at least he wasn't there to hurt anyone. He was just there for money and cough drops.

  2. Well let's just see what this feller looks like...
    Oh. Huh. Yep.

  3. Oh my, a "mostly White" black guy, I'm shocked!

  4. He was probably doin' CVS stores because all the Walgreens had vacated the area.

  5. Starker here,
    He had an arrest warrant out since September?! What about the woman's phone? Chicago, a place to not visit.


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