
Friday, January 12, 2024

VDH Commentary: Biden ‘Saves’ Democracy by Destroying It

When faced with the possible return of President Donald Trump, the current agenda of the Democratic Party is summed up simply as “We had to destroy democracy to save it.”

The effort shares a common theme: any means necessary are justified to prevent the people from choosing their own president, given the fear that a majority might vote to elect Donald Trump.

Sometimes the anti-democratic paranoia has been outsourced to state and local officials and prosecutors to erase Trump from the primary and likely general election ballots as well.


  1. Biden's saying he wants to "save democracy" for the millions of doofesses and they’re too fucking stupid dying their hair pink, getting triggered by being address with a pronoun that actually fits their gender and marching for Hamas by blocking roads. But what he really means is he wants to slip in fascism like another executive order. The sad part is he’s (actually Obama and the globalists) gonna accomplish the mission because most people just don't give a shit as long as they have their smartphones, social media, flat screen TVs and pro sports. All they have to do is crush Trump and the Deep state Republicans fall into step.

    1. Update: He wants to save "our" democracy. Big Difference.

  2. More excellence from VDH.
    But what do I know. I'm an Ulta-MAGAist, bent on destroying Democracy.

  3. H.W started this crap, klinton went along with it as well as making under the table deals with the Chinese, W loved stomping on our rights like the drooling idiot he is. Along came the great half-black communist and at the present a incompetent drooling retard to continue this crap....
    I hate slo joe as much as anyone but this goes back decades

    1. I remember when H.W. said in that speech " a thousand points of light" and "A new world order" that was a eye opener for me.


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