
Wednesday, January 24, 2024

"I want only White people touching me"

The good news for David Henderson is that prosecutors did not pursue the misdemeanor battery charge he faced for allegedly striking passersby with a briefcase in River North last year. The bad news is that they charged him with hate crimes against the Chicago cops who arrested him. 

Henderson, 47, has now pleaded guilty to two counts of felony hate crime, receiving a sentence of two years of mental health probation from Judge Lauren Edidin, according to court records.


  1. The good news is that he was sentenced by a white girl judge. Hopefully, that made Dave happy.

  2. Lighten Up, Francis !

  3. Remember whitey, it's a felony to openly disparage the Ns and fags that rule over us. Ignorance is strength and freedom is slavery after all.

  4. That sets a dangerous precedent...if government can tack on whatever bullshit charges they want because you don't submit to their arbitrary authority.

    What's next? You get arrested for jaywalking and when some tranny piece of shit decides you're a "threat" and wants to do a cavity search "for it's safety" and you say "I don't want this man sticking his hand up my ass because he's obviously getting his jollies off and has a mental disorder" you're suddenly guilty of a "hate crime"?

    1. YES! That is exactly what is next.
      Thank you for participating in our social experiment.

  5. It is no sign of poor mental health to prefer not to deal with people who aren't your own kind. Non-Whites do it all the time.

  6. " Get your paws off me , Filthy Ape !" C. Heston


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