
Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Commentary: Seven Ridiculous Examples of Government Waste in 2023

Almost nobody doubts that the federal government wastes a lot of money. Every day we hear stories of fraud, mismanagement, and misplaced priorities that cost taxpayers millions, and sometimes billions, of dollars.

But just how much money is wasted? In his annual Festivus report—named after the fictional Seinfeld holiday—Senator Rand Paul tallies up some of the most egregious examples of government waste from the year. The report for 2023 came out on December 22, and as usual, the stories spanned the range from hilarious to deeply disconcerting. In all, Paul identified $900 billion in government waste from 2023.

Here are some of the highlights.


  1. Government waste has always existed. The only difference between 100 years ago and now is the exposure medium is thousands of times faster than in 1924, people have too much time on their hands so they can use their smartphones to enforce their political views. The politicians know this and effectively use it to control the peasants. Glenn Beck is whining about how why millions of people don't see the current threat to the country. The answer is simple. People are too involved with the bread and circuses. Heck too many people are more concerned about who's gonna be in the Super Bowl than the 10,000 Beaners, Chinks and Goat-Fuckers invasion.

  2. My seven choices are;
    1. Biden's salary.
    2. Horizontal Harris' salary.
    3. Pelosi's salary.
    4. Garland's salary.
    5. Austin's salary
    6. McConnell's salary.
    7. The budget for the ATF.
    Actually, I could list several thousand, continuing with most of the senaturds and ripresentatives.
    Need I say more?

    1. Yes, all 3 letter agencies, they're unconstitutional

  3. $2 million to Nickelback! Now I wanna be a Rockstar!

  4. "Government Waste" is redundent


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