
Wednesday, January 17, 2024

John Kerry to Leave Biden Administration to Work on the President’s Reelection Campaign: Report

United States Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, John Kerry, is expected to leave the Biden administration in order to join the president’s 2024 reelection campaign, according to an announcement Saturday. 

Kerry believes that Biden’s reelection is the “single biggest” difference that can be made in terms of progress when it comes to climate change, a source told Axios.


  1. Yeah, this global warming is almost giving me frostbite.

  2. Kerry's a self-important asshole who would be probably be a mid-level manager in a manufacturing firm but for the fact he married into money via prune face Teresa Heinz. Now the douchebag is constantly flitting around the planet in his private Gulfstream preaching to the peasants they should give up being cattle on a commercial jet once a year to see grandma because they're responsible for climate change. Too bad the Cong didn't get lucky when the fucking phony punched his ticket in Nam

    1. Lurch uses the Heinz family jets to flit about the world trying to impress Greta.

  3. He's angling to be number 2 on the ticket, so he can realize his dream of becoming prez.

  4. I heard he wanted to spend more time with the family jets.

    1. He'd prefer to spend time with his SUVs but he doesn't own any.
      Come to think of it, whatever happened to that philandering fraud John Edwards?

  5. You can't kill rice with a hand grenade.

  6. He was a POS in Nam; he's now a bigger POS. I'm surprised Jane Fonda isn't working with him.

  7. Damn, they're really assembling the dream team here.

    Here we go again: Donald "Warp Speed" Trump is the least bad option.

  8. I find it remarkable this scam is still going on....
    Seriously. Since what, like 1970s these pollyanna's have been going on about the sky falling. 50 years later, nothing!
    Shut the fuck up and sit down, asshole!

  9. Fortunately, the thing that gives the Biden reelection campaign the best chance of cratering and burning is having John Kerry work for it. He's a toxic presence that contaminates anything he gets involved with. Nobody with any brains likes him.

  10. So Swift Boat Sally joins the Biden sinking ship. Appropriate.


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