
Tuesday, January 09, 2024

New proposed bill could impact emotional support animals in Tennessee

Some state lawmakers want to limit where emotional support animals are allowed.

A new bill filed this week could impact owners of emotional support animals, like Nashville resident Ciara Ciez.

“This is Henry. He is a golden doodle, he’s three, and he’s my emotional support animal,” Ciez said during an interview with News 2 while on a walk with her dog.


  1. A lot of people abuse the whole emotional support animal thing. K9s in supermarkets? That’s a no for me, Dawg. (See what I did there?).

    Seriously the world was a better place when shopping areas were not infested with pets masquerading as “emotional support animals “ in particular the little yappy dogs

  2. grocery stores, restaurants, doctors offices

    I've loved every dog I've owned. But I don't impose on others with them.
    It has become a thing I guess.

  3. I could use an emotional support Gorilla. He would be trained to full body shave and wear my clothing, and beat the shit out of people that annoy me.

  4. I’m not saying your pet isn't important and doesn't provide comfort and security when you need it but some folks need to harden their ass up. If you are too fragile to go to the store or a restaurant without your “ emotional support” animal I would suggest you need therapy. If your neighborhood is unsafe to walk around in without your dog, you've got a different set of problems. Honestly, I dont like being away from my bobby dawg for too long, he helps me deal with things but he has no business in most stores or restauants.

  5. last I heard, emotional support animals are not covered by the ADA. Its just our chicken shit society. Emotional support = a mental illness we shouldn't enable.

  6. I think dogs should not take their emotional support humans inside stores.

  7. Yet my Emotional Support Handgun are barred most everywhere I need to go.

  8. They sure as hell dont belong in aircraft.
    If you need that animal then you need to drive.

  9. I very rarely go to Walmart but last year inside an older woman had two goats with diapers in tow. All I could think was; and they vote!

    1. Her or the goats? Chances are the goats are more informed and mentally stable...

  10. I know two people with emotional support dogs. They're both scamming the VA to the tune of $4000/month.

  11. No one has ever complained about my extra crispy emotional support chicken.

  12. Emotional support animals are not a legal entity in Louisiana and surprisingly only dogs and small horses are recognized as actual assistance animals... Yeah
    There was a couple that brought a large parrot into a Chinese restaurant I was having lunch at one day, women claimed that emotion support crap, customers unceremoniously removed them from the restaurant....


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