
Friday, January 12, 2024

Of Weakness and War

We live in a world now where there is no trust, no ability to discern truth from lie, reality from fantasy. Governments, corporations and agencies falsify statistics to keep from having to face their own failures. We are living in a land of cover-ups and distractions from the truth, because the truth would derail someone’s agenda. Gone are the days when we were sure that the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, where the good guys were the allies and the bad guys were the axis. Who knows if that was ever true? But we are much more suspicious of it than ever.


  1. Even Stevie and Helen see and hear it.

  2. We live in times when the line between good and evil is drawn by a 2yr old up down, round and round but rarely straight

    1. There's much evil; little good in the houses of power. Evil is coordinated; good barely realizes there's a war on.

  3. To the people who think that the Palestinians should be protected. Also think that men can get pregnant.


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