
Friday, January 12, 2024

It's a good thing she was wearing a mask or she would've been killed

A 66-year-old woman carrying grocery bags in a crosswalk was struck by a pursuit driver in a stolen Toyota Prius Thursday during a frightening chase in Los Angeles' Harbor City area. 

The chase began just before 1 p.m. in the South Bay after a report of a suspected DUI driver and carjacking. The driver entered a parking structure at the Del Amo Fashion Center in Torrance and, at about the same time, another carjacking was reported in the same general area involving a Prius.


I'm guessing there's a lawsuit on the way given that asshole maneuver by the cop on a crowded city street.


  1. Totally agree with your assessment of the cop and the PIT maneuver when the car was slowing down. My guess is that the asshole was looking to bail and run. At the very least the cop is guilty of not being aware of what was going on around the chase.
    From the way it looked to me, the city was lucky that the woman was not killed outright. She got hit pretty damn hard. Just the mental trauma alone is worth a few million, yet alone her physical injuries.

  2. The crim was so desperate that he stole a 4king Prius? FFS . . .

    1. Hey, read the was Californica


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