
Friday, January 12, 2024

Two thirds of Americans Say ‘Invasion’ is Accurate Term to Describe Biden’s Border Crisis

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Sixty-five percent, or almost a full two thirds of Americans say it is “very accurate” or “somewhat accurate” to describe the Biden-made crisis at the U.S. border as an “invasion” of the United States. The data comes as part of new Rasmussen Reports polling of likely U.S. voters, sponsored by The National Pulse.


  1. 'Two thirds'?
    That remaining one third must be of those that illegally entered before.

    1. That's about the correct ratio now

  2. Remember a few years back when the Mexican military was caught routinely crossing the border, and we did nothing about it?
    Those were trial runs. Now the Mexican government is assisting illegal immigration, and is using the immigrants to extort the U.S. Government (tax payers).

  3. And the invaders are known a "Scab Citizens"....

  4. I wouldn't call it Biden's border crisis, I'd call it the border crisis Biden and Barry created.

  5. Invasion is correct , so is treason.

  6. Funny, these polls never contact me, my family or friends to see what we think of whatever they are polling about. I am sure if they actually did the polling and called, the number would be up around 98 to 99 % of true Americans.

    1. Because you're on different lists. Count yer blessings.
      At least the spooks only eavesdrop, not call to get your opinion.


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