
Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Poll: Democrats Would Rather See Michelle Obama in the White House than Biden

If Democrats had a magic wand, they’d put Michelle Obama in the White House. 

The former first lady has more political star power than incumbent President Joe Biden and other famous and not-so-famous Democrats ahead of the November election, according to The Center Square Voters’ Voice Poll, conducted Jan. 2-4.


  1. What an idiotic nasty cunt he is

  2. And he's so much more elegant than Melania Trump.

    1. You can tell by the way he says "Motherfucker."

      And I say "Fuck no" to a FOURTH Obama term.

  3. Nah, democrats would be better off trying to put a woman in the white house instead

  4. That's enough. Where's the eject button for this game? I'm taking it back to the store!

  5. If she runs it's game over and the chances of that happening are getting stronger. It's gonna be the Dem's hail Mary play.

    1. OTOH, considering how much the Clintons and the Obamas hate each other, think how much it would chap Hillary's ass to see Mike be the first "Woman" President.
      Funny as that would be, the country couldn't endure that fourth Obama term.

  6. More proof (as if we needed it) that we are all electrical impulses in some maniacal kid's really weird computer simulation.

  7. At least he's open carry

  8. I dont care if the democrats runs Rocky the squirrel. Whoever they run will win one week after election day. And every judge that hears a complaint will say you dont have standing and pay $500,000 for court costs.

    1. Winner winner chicken dinner!!!

  9. Joe has done such a stellar job that they apparently think any cave man could do it...

  10. I half expected them to trot him out at the last minute in 2020 but the fix was in, so they didn't have to. This time they just might. It would give us an indication of what they think they can get away with anyway.

  11. Kenny, can't you find some more bourbon videos? Stackem up...If that happens... We're gonna need em.

  12. Michelle was recently in the white house....sodomizing that scrawny little fake president

  13. Big Mike has a magic wand alright.

  14. Good idea. Find the one person that spends more time on vacation and spends more taxpayer money on those vacations then Biden.

  15. I'd call her a cunt but "she" doesn't have one

  16. The DNC could run Lucifer, replete with horns, tails and red skin and the majority of registered Demonrats would still vote with the party.

  17. Yup the fix was in last time. Slo-Joe is not going to get it across the finish line this time and the level of electoral chicanery will be epic to the point that Steven wonder could see it from space. So this time around the deal is to have Slo-Joe have a medical event jsut before the DNC convention and trot out Big Mike at the second ballot. Last minute savior for the democrat puppets but how do you get Big Mike on the ballot in the needed states (note I didn't say all) to win. Well the needed states either sue to put him on the ballot (rinos cave on this as saving democracy) and in the others, he's a write in on mail in ballots trucked in from other states. This "fix" is plausible and a shooting war starts on Wednesday. Either way TPTB get what they want the planned or fast destruction of the USA.


    PS: Buy more ammo!


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