
Tuesday, January 16, 2024

DeSantis v. Haley on the Constitution

Too often, presidential debates don’t focus on the matters of greatest importance—such as candidates’ familiarity with, and devotion to, our founding documents. During Wednesday night’s Iowa debate, however, one question invited answers that struck directly at these crucial matters.


  1. I'm a 100% Trumpster. I don't like either DeSantis or Haley because theiy're both Deep Staters, but I dislike Nikki a lot more than Ron

  2. Haley is a democrat. DeSantis ran his campaign like an idiot. DeSantis did a great job with florida and I think he still is. All he had to do is support Trump in the democrat attacks and acknowledge the vote processing fraud. Just suck it up because the democrats/rinos are throwing law suits at Trump to see what sticks to the wall. If Trump is out then he can step in by default. Now people are leery because he looks like any other establishment GOP.

  3. The plane lurches up. The plane dives down. The cockpit crew are all dead. The salmon mousse was prepared by a DIE hire.

    Some dude sitting next to the emergency exit, stands, and intones, "I have memorized the script of 'The Holy Grail!'." The deep thoughters pass him forward, over their heads, weeping. And the colored grrrls go "Doot. De'doot."

    So glad we're ALL gonna' make it!

    1. And we all take a walk on the wild side.

  4. Ron is just shy of sucking and Nikki is a plant, so...

  5. I hope Trump goes scorched earth.

    1. He won’t though. He’ll just puss out like before.

  6. I rabidly dislike Trump. He doesn't give a shit about the Constitution. Banned bumpstocks, loves red flag laws, etc...He thinks the FBI can be cleaned up instead of abolishing them.

    ...but everyone else on the left is *so* much worse.

    And if nothing else, I believe in honesty...and honestly...I'm sick to fucking death of having to defend Trump. Like I said, I don't like him...but what I hate more is when someone says "Did you know Trump eats babies?"...and then I'm forced to defend someone I don't like. if he's on the RNC ticket against anyone else the left could possibly put up, I'm going to actually go out and vote for the first time in ~20 years. I'm not going to vote for him because I like him, I'm going to vote because I want to make sure he wins by a landslide to show them they can't cheat at elections. I'm going to vote for him because I'm sick of their whiny neurotic lefty bullshit. I'm going to vote out of hate. I'm going to vote for revenge.


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