
Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Pritzker begs Abbott to stop sending migrants into Chicago cold: ‘I plead with you for mercy’

CHICAGO, Ill. (WTVO) — With Chicago’s temperatures about to plunge below zero, Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker sent a letter to Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on Friday, asking him to stop sending migrants to the city. 

“While action is pending at the federal level, I plead with you for mercy for the thousands of people who are powerless to speak for themselves. Please, while winter is threatening vulnerable people’s lives, suspend your transports and do not send more people to our state,” Pritzker said, according to the Chicago Sun-Times.


  1. Abbott's response should be something along the line "Tell your party to stop them at the border, then I won't have any to send to you.".

  2. Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.

  3. What? Your all about climate change, global warming and boiling oceans. Could you be wrong about all this fat boy?

  4. Pritzker begs for “mercy” and then insults Abbott by calling him “callous”. What a dirtbag.

  5. The fat pig's squealing is music to my ears.

  6. Why didn't Pritzker go on national/international new and tell the border crossers to turn around and go home.?????

  7. I hear it's sunny down Mexico way. Costa Rica is always nice! Speaking of Central America, The Panama Canal, connected to 2 supposedly rising oceans is drying up and I guess they must not be getting the full effect of global warming in Chicago. I know we're not getting much global warming out here in North Texas at the moment. Something aint adding up.

    1. The illegals are being shipped to the border with no knowledge of the weather and with promises that will not be fulfilled.

    2. Mikey: You miss the science here. Global temperatures are, really, a zero sum game. The excess heat in the summer has to be be exported from other places. The colder weather in the winter recently is a direct of the warmists in GOV stealing heat from the hinterlands and shipping it to populated areas in the summer. They do this by using the excess capacity of petroleum pipelines (much of US oil production has been shut down due to the miraculous use of solar and wind) to move the heat around and store the weather in modified salt domes until needed. This is a direct result of the DOE's Widespread Environmental And Temperature - Heat Exfiltration Regime (WEATHER) funded by the fees charged to new immigrants as they are incorporated into our economy.

      See, it is simple and clear to the more educated of this blog's respondents. It is this humble correspondent's duty to explain it as well as I can. And in case you missed it, /sarcasm.

  8. Sanctuary cities should provide sanctuary! We have enough future dems in Texas schools, jails, and jobs.

  9. Texas isn't much warmer
    Either is western ny where i'm at..

    1. That map would indicate North Dakota doesn't have a homeless problem.

  10. W.. W... W.... W..... W...... W.......W........W.........Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲

  11. You and your kind broke the boarder, so you bought it.
    Suck it, commie.


  12. Fuck em, he's all for the illegal bastards as long as they're not his problem....

  13. Huttese has no words for "Let's make a deal."

    There are, howver, 538 ways to say "Pay me and obey."

  14. Sanctuary, refugee, political asylum.
    None of those clowns understand the meaning.
    How many countries have these illegals crossed to get to our border? Any of those countries could provide sanctuary.

    Fuck em

  15. Chicago has been waving the Sanctuary City flag for years. They got what they wanted. Where's the best place to send illegals -Sanctuary Cities. Not one dime of taxpayer $$$ should go to these Cities, they stood up and waved the flag. You wanted them, you got them now take care of them yourselves.

  16. The only mercy JB fat fuck prickster should be begging for is lap band surgery. Screw the invaders, too. They came here willingly on arranged transport. If they suffer, it is their own fault for not staying where they belong.

    And what I really want to see is my enemies, their women, AND their children driven before me (on their way to a mass execution). I don't need to hear any lamentations, just kill the bastards already and be done with it.

  17. He he he he he, suffer, punk!!

  18. Short answer: "Fuck you, Pritzker."
    Longer answer: "Fuck you Pritzker and the horse you rode in on."

  19. Replies
    1. I'm stealing that. Thank You - Nemo

  20. As a Patriotic Canadian, I propose every migrant be sent to the northern tip of Baffin Island. You can even make your own igloo home there! Plenty of adventure and wildlife - if you see three black dots in the snow storm, it's too late. If you are still around in Spring, the mosquitoes, horseflies, blackflies, june bugs and sand flies will keep you up during the 24-hours days.

  21. There is a Spanish language radio station in Southern California that is telling Illegals to go back to Mexico and cross over again and get $2K and a free smart phone...
    Let the Fat Bast*ard figure out how to dispose of the stiffs he asked for.


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