
Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Stanford researchers think future pandemics could be prevented with universal vaccines

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- Preventing the next worldwide pandemic from happening before it even starts -- researchers at Stanford University think it's possible.

Doctors say the COVID-19 virus will always be with us, but some experts wonder if the pandemic could have been avoided all together?

What if there was a way in which our bodies fought off a new infection using different immunities?

Stanford University Professor Bali Pulendran and his colleagues think they may have found an answer.


I'd take a hard pass on that. My natural immunity works just fine. When it quits working, that tells me it's just my time.


  1. The so called experts won't be taking them tho

    1. Ain't that God's own truth. For extra fun, we could even notice that the more deadly batches of "vaccines" were routed to red states and rural areas.

      Which in turn implies that when you saw a celebrity or politician "getting the jab" it was saline solution, if they bothered to inject anything at all.

      John G

  2. Amen, Ken. My thoughts exactly.

  3. "What if there was a way..."
    The big brains haven't heard of the immune system?
    They have. As always, follow the money.
    The human body is an amazing self-repairing machine. Stay healthy.

  4. Newsweak headline from 59 minutes ago -
    "Marjorie Taylor Greene Wants to Make Certain Vaccines Illegal to Fund".

  5. What could possibly go wrong?

  6. I suspect they might have found is an effective "cull the herd" potion.

    1. Or as Bill Gates put it in an interview with Stephen Colbert, "The Final Solution is the vaccine".

  7. Doctors say the COVID-19 virus will always be with us, but some experts wonder if the pandemic could have been avoided all together?

    It's amazing how stupid smart people can be. The pandemic could easily have been avoided. All you have to do is not let phychopaths like Fauci create superbugs (gain of function) in sketchy Chinese labs.

  8. it is their way of reducing the Christian white heterosexual population

  9. Let me understand this? The covid vaccine did'nt work longer than a few months, at best. But now a "universal" vaccine against an unknown virus will? Uh NO!

    1. The Covid vaccine did not work past a few months because in the 1960s, the vaccine developers concluded that it was impossible to devise a vaccine against the coronavirus because it mutates too quickly.

  10. I'll return the favour with an lead and copper vaccine to anyone mandating a vax! I will patent it pinkmisticus!

    Chutes Magoo

    1. "pinkmisticus" - I'm stealing that, as long as you're ok with me doing it.

      I think I'll have it put on a t-shirt, then have fun watching expressions when I explain what it means.


  11. Pfix Pfuture Pfandemics with Pfaccines?
    Pf.uck you!

  12. Too many of us have lost all faith and respect for the "Medical Establishment".
    Say it with me, "I will not comply".

    1. You spelled "fuck off" wrong.

    2. You misspelled "fuck off and die"

  13. I erased my initial comments, as it was becoming a dissertation. Suffice it to say as someone who has been vaccinated for everything from rabies to anthrax, I have not been vaccinated for Covid and seriously doubt I will allow myself to be vaccinated for anything ever again. I’ll take my chances. Eod1sg Ret

    1. +1 on being done with vaxxes, I got enough of them from 6 years in the USN. I never bothered with the flu jab, have refused the pneumonia jab (from what I've read it is only really recommended for people living in group homes), and am "never ever quit asking" for the covid jab. At this point I don't even trust a tetanus booster to not be adulterated.

  14. Professor Bali Pulendran and his colleagues can go fuck themselves....

  15. Like Jim Jones, you and your followers go first.

  16. Professor Bali Pulendran is trying to justify more grants so he can get a nicer car.

  17. Easier than injecting everyone on the planet (excepting themselves, of course): eliminate those creating and releasing these viral infections....hopefully before they get to release anything else.

  18. I believe the National Socialist Workers Party came to the same conclusion. We all know where that ended up. Great minds think alike.

  19. People who think they can use experimental medical treatments to save humanity are those most likely to exterminate humanity with the unforeseen results of their medical experiments.


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