
Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Survey: Two-Thirds Of Elites Say There’s Too Much Freedom In America

The nation’s ruling class holds deeply authoritarian opinions widely divorced from the rest of the American electorate, finds a survey out this week. It found nearly 60 percent of American “elites” think there is too much individual freedom in America. Meanwhile, nearly 60 percent of registered voters have the exact opposite opinion, reporting the United States has too much top-down control, limiting liberty.


  1. Well now. This is rather shocking news. What happened to that kumbaya shit?

  2. Really, too much ya say, maybe, I don't know living down under I really don't know

    1. Jo Anne, living in another country does not prohibit you from knowing. The prohibition lies with you. If you're not concerned, then say so. But don't say its because you're in Aust.
      Is Sky News Australia available in Australia?

    2. Jo-Anne, as an Aussie; you will likely see us in the not too distant future, try to keep those who think they rule over us; from doing to us what the asshats running your place did to yours.

  3. Too many Elites in America.

  4. The elites are still upset about Epstein's island being closed down.

  5. H8 Marxist Rat and Uniparty BastardsJanuary 24, 2024 at 4:14 PM

    Remember that end scene in Scarface when Tony's mansion is overrun and he's shot effing dead? Bring it on with these narcissists to their houses. . . .

  6. The rulers are saying: You peasnts feeling froggy? Then leap. They mean what they say and they're gonna do something about it. So go back to your social media, smartphones, college & football sports, overpriced SUVs and Pick-ups and trade your liberty for perceived safety. The elites know you're not going to do anything about their boots on the backs of your necks.

  7. Fuck the "elite"...and FUCK JOE BIDEN!

  8. I think we all know that "elites" aren't bullet-proof.


    1. They are if they cannot be found.

    2. All bunkers have air intakes...
      And if they set up wifi in there...well, Wireshark and several other tools can sniff them out.


  9. People who want to control everybody else feel other people aren't controlled enough. Big surprise. In other news, city councils think local tax revenue isn't high enough. Business think profits aren't high enough. Employees think they aren't paid enough.

  10. The "Elite", "Ruling Class", "Insiders", "Movers and Shakers" are nothing without Orcs and Orcettes with badges and Glocks, or M-4s and Cammies. Think about it and plan accordingly.

  11. That’s a fact Jack. They win the debate one way or another. We’ll just have to see how much pain they tolerate.

  12. Remind me again......what, exactly makes these people "elite"?

    It seems to me to be that being shat out of a filthy rich woman's "hootie-hoo" is the primary qualification.

  13. Cocky bunch of sons a bitches ain’t they ?! Remember kids… the Great and Powerful Oz was just an old man behind a curtain, pulling some levers to scare people.


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