
Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Tennessee, North Carolina senators join in call to federally punish protestors who block roads, highways

WASHINGTON, D.C.--Tennessee Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) is co-sponsoring a bill filed by Senator Thomas Tillis (R-NC) which creates penalties for protestors who block public roads. 

S.3492, also known as the Safe and Open Streets Act, would make it a federal crime to purposely obstruct, delay, or affect commerce by blocking a public roadway or highway. Per the bill, anyone found in violation of the proposed law would be fined, imprisoned for less than 5 years, or both.


  1. Just eliminate penalties for driving over them, problem solved.

    1. Really....
      So these asshats aren't going to be allowed to disrupt our economy. We'll just have to pay to house, cloth, feed, and protect them for the duration.

      Either way, I get the short stick, huh?

      I agree, remove the manslaughter charge for barreling through them at 50 mph, and I gurantee you will never have another blocked road, and nobody pays one penny more.

    2. Yep. Make blocking roads etc an affirmative defense against both civil and criminal penalties of any kind (well, maybe allow littering if they land on the yard). Allow drivers to use their cars or any other means to clear the street. And costs of cleanup should be assessed against the protesters- if they come forward to complain, they get a bill.

  2. Already laws to deal with this. We don't need more laws. Just enforce the ones we have.

  3. I dont care about this. I would like to see it codified that drivers cannot be charged with an offense for striking pedestrians intentionally impeding traffic. The various Soros organizations should be held responsible financially for death benefits and injury and damages to drivers and their cars

    1. That would solve the problem. Government no longer even tries.

  4. Just make it legal to run ‘em over if blocking….. it’ll sort itself out…..

  5. If I was the king of the country I'd give "road blockers" the same treatment as "illegal border crossers". A Napalm bath.

  6. Fuck that. Speedbump their asses and carry on.


  7. Why do these useless fucks think we need a law from the Yankee government? We have a state law against it. Oh, I forgot, after 1865 we're aren't free and sovereign states any longer, just vassal states of the American Empire.
    --Tennessee Budd

  8. Read that bill carefully for exemptions for antifa and blm!

  9. This is just useless publicity. It won't pass constitutional muster (as if that matters anymore). 99% of the road blockage is strictly a state issue and doesn't affect interstate commerce. Therefore the Feds cannot make a federal law concerning it. Not that any of our politicians actually understand the system of govt they serve.

  10. This is a great start, but let's be serious for once....we've jumped the rails as a country and laws are being selectively enforced for political reasons. This shit has to stop. Used to be if an out of control crowd showed up to break the law, the police did too and that was that. What's changed is 1) Less police, and 2) smartphones. These shoplift and smash and grab crimes can be ended by making it clear businesses have a right to protect their person and property instead of the stupid attitudes in vogue these days.
    And don't get me started on the border situation. I'm thinking deport all of them back across our border. Let MX deal with the problem, 'cause it's NOT OUR PROBLEM!


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