
Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Thanks..... I think

They just ran a road grader past my house in an attempt to snowplow the road I live on, but just like the last time they did it, the only thing it did was knock the packed snow off and exposed the layer of ice underneath. Now it'll be even harder to drive on.
With the sun reflecting off the ice, it's so damned bright it hurts to look at it.


  1. "Hi! We're from the Government, and we're here to help (by taking a bad situation and making it worse!)

  2. To err is human. To really screw things up you need to involve the government.

  3. Damned if you , damned if you don't.

  4. I hear a Flammenwerfer works well.

  5. Sunglasses. But also agree on the Government and its ability to make a bad situation worse.

    1. Best I've found for snow glare is #5 shade safety glasses used for oxy/fuel cutting. Your pupils will open WAY up and you can see EVERYTHING without the slightest. discomfort

  6. No sand, salt or brine?
    If that's the case, I'd be sitting on the deck watching the slip 'n slide show. Cheap thrills.

  7. The weight of those machines packs the snow down and turns it into ice. And the blades can't reach down close enough to get all the snow.Just wait till they leave a wall of ice across the end of your driveway. incidentally, a top. Your old army entrenching tool with the blade locked at a 90 degree angle is a perfect device for breaking up those big ice mounds before going in with the snow scoop. And remember Black Ice Matters.

    - frozen Rurik

  8. Wife's car has been plowed infor a week. Thankfully she doesn't have anywhere she has to go. Rain coming next week, should make it a glorious mess.

  9. If you complain the local bureaucrats answering the phone will have the excuse "We did the best we could with the tools we have". Trying to escalate the matter will result in the usual runaround government. Hopefully, it won't put you in William "D-Fens" Foster's state of mind.

  10. Graders cannot remove ice / snow to black pavement. No matter how much down pressure or moldboard pitch and angle you use. Quite exiting driving a 38,000# ice skate down a hill. Ran one for 24 years. The only effective way to completely remove ice rises in the east and sets in the west.

  11. Just in time for the next snowstorm.

  12. We live in a large city in Montana (at least by our standards). They didn't plow anything but the main roads until six or seven years ago. Didn't bother me. That's how it's always been. The influx of people from out-of-town forced them to change policies. Now, if a storm is over 4 inches, the plows work on the side streets. I'd just as soon they skip mine. They plow in my mailbox every time and a 3-foot wall of (now) ice is hard to move with anything short of a jack hammer.

    1. reminds me of the meme when the guy called to complain that his street wasn't plowed... he was told the main streets were plowed before the side streets, but Public Works policy was - his mom always got plowed first...

  13. What country are these tales from?....sincerely, from Florida....


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