
Tuesday, January 02, 2024

The ‘Most Memorable Gun Violence Journalism of 2023,’ According to the Trace

The Trace, the propaganda arm of former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg’s antigun empire, recently published their picks for “The Most Memorable Gun Violence Journalism of 2023.” 

If there was a Pulitzer Prize category for gaslighting or agitprop, the 14 stories highlighted by the Trace would all be serious contenders.


  1. Hi, for some reason this blog wouldn't load for me the last few days but it is working ok now so here I am saying Happy New Year and I have nothing to say about gun violence

  2. Sorry Wc I tried to read the article but all I saw was bla bla bla. Besides the first picture was true, it is all fake news in my opinion.

  3. I get an email every day from Ammoland, with the more up to date gun news. Sometimes the comments are snarky, but the writers there are usually pretty good, and it is worth the effort for me to read it daily, even if I just skim through it.
    This article had one mistake though. It said that the anti gun group was a stranger to the truth. Actually they may very well know the truth. They just don't care, because it would get in the way of their small minded bias.
    The Koran also speaks about how it is OK to lie as long as you are lying to an infidel, and are either trying to convert them, or setting them up to slay them.
    But never forget, Islam is a religion of peace.


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