
Tuesday, January 02, 2024

VDH Commentary: 2024 Is the Year of Our Reckoning

We should remember the now modern proverb of Nixon-era economic advisor Herb Stein to the effect that what cannot go on (without destroying the nation), simply will not go on. 

In some sense, the country for recent years has been cruising on the fumes from prior and likely better wiser generations and institutions. In 2024, the tab for our current apathy, toxic politics, and incompetence will come due.


  1. Pretty sure it was Ben Stein, unless Ben used to go by Herb.

  2. Actually, it was Herb Stein, father of Ben Stein. Herb was a gifted and intelligent economist who died in 1999.

    1. Thank you. I always heard Ben was an Economist that worked for Nixon. Guess it was a different job.

  3. True, what cannot continue will not. But it's amazing how long the criminals can keep the house of cards from collapsing. They aren't ready for a collapse because they aren't through looting the Treasury. There is still wealth left for them to steal. And they want it all. Looting the country's treasure is the last thing that happens in all society's before the implosion.

  4. The way of the wicked will perish.

  5. Satan comes for everyone...don't be everyone.


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