
Friday, February 16, 2024

A brawl at a biker rally - I'm shocked

At least three men were stabbed and hospitalized after a large brawl broke out at a motorcycle festival Sunday at the Ventura County Fairgrounds, authorities announced. 

Officers with the Ventura Police Department responded to the fairgrounds after receiving several 911 calls that a person had been stabbed during Chopperfest, an annual event for motorcycle enthusiasts.


  1. I am afraid I make the same sort of assumptions about this "rally" as I would about a rap music "festival".

    Adjusted for probable pale ethnicity, though.

  2. My brother was there. It was between HA and Mongols. Fucking up a family friendly show. Got no use for either one.

  3. If it was a non-harley get together, this wouldn't have happened.
    Stab to ride, ride to stab.

  4. Pffft! So a few people playing "Mumbly-Peg" get a little excited, what's the big deal?

  5. You know what the difference is between a hoover vacuum and a harley.....the dirtbag rides in the front of the hoover....


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