
Friday, February 02, 2024

A Crisis For Every Month: The Worst Debacles, Disgraces, And (Literal) Train Wrecks Of Biden’s Third Year

Congratulations, America — you’ve survived your third year of being bossed around by Joe “Big Guy” Dementia Biden. You might be poorer, more depressed, and more likely to end up drafted for a foreign war than you were when he hobbled into the White House three years ago last Saturday, but you’ve finally made it to the year you get to vote him out, if you’re smart enough.

In January 2022, we brought you “A Scandal For Every Month: The Biggest Botches, Failures, And Mess-Ups Of Joe Biden’s First 12 Months In Office.” Last January, there was another year of disasters to catalog. If you’re like me, you’re probably losing track of all the scandals and which ones happened when. If it’s making your head spin, just think how confused poor Joe is!

If you’re as overwhelmed by all the incompetence as Joe is by a set of stairs, here’s your refresher course for year No. 3.

1 comment:

  1. The Bite Me asshole & the Democrats do not see a "train wreck". Joe's a bully like most Progressive Democrats and their plan is to crush anyone who doesn't kiss their asses. Go along and get along is a Conservative game they laugh at. Long ago the Progressive Democrats came to the conclusion they had to destroy the country economically, legally, academically, socially and militarily to accomplish their goal of establishing their Socialist nirvana. Now it's worked thanks mainly to 3 or 4 generations being brainwashed by Commie academics in the universities they see themselves on the brink of victory and the only obstacle is Trump. Once Trump is defeated or eliminated their plan will have come to fruition


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