
Friday, February 02, 2024

Yes Joe, we're tired of being played for suckers - by your own administration

Joe Biden has suggested supermarkets should defy the laws of supply and demand to lower soaring prices that threaten his chances of re-election.

'There are still too many corporations in America ripping people off: price gouging, junk fees, greedflation, shrinkflation,' he said at a speech in South Carolina last week.

'Americans, we're tired of being played for suckers and that's why we're going to keep these guys - keep on them and get the prices down.'


  1. I see he forgot to mention the biggest rip-off of them all...taxation.

  2. And 95% of those corporations are donating to your scam reelection so shut the fuck up retard

  3. "Joe Biden has suggested supermarkets should defy the laws of supply and demand to lower soaring prices that threaten his chances of re-election"


    1. Also, make pi equal to 3.00000 to help the math-impaired.

  4. If there were only some way to drop prices…maybe by producing our own fuel, like diesel, natural gas and our own fertilizer.
    Nah, just import everything (feeding our enemies cash) and raise taxes.

  5. He must of forgotten why there is such inflation. Hmm "come on man"

  6. Blame the stores for high prices ? Thats a new one .

    1. While blaming anyone but himself for his and his party's failed policies is an old one.

  7. Inflation does not reverse itself, it's only ever upward. Those higher prices are permanent. Inflation has a life of it's own. All the wage increases will sustain it. Fuel, materials, and labor are all part of the cost of an item. FJB is running the printing presses to steal from everyone, inflation is the ultimate fair tax.

    1. I draw comfort that knowing that one fine day, all his bluster and ill-gotten gains won't buy him another breath.

    2. Agreed. What an ass.

  8. The delusions of Communist command economies are never ending. Grocery stores operate on the thinnest of margins as it is. A grocery store can only survive organized mob looting and a swarm of "lunchtime rowdies" for so long before they have to close. The stores that do not close are the places in the old Soviet Union that handed out moldy cheese, rotting sausage and mismatched sets of clunky shoes. THAT is where we are being driven by the neo-Trotskyite regime.

    1. Don't forget: those stores only had _any_ groceries because government agents with guns took it from the farmers, and could only make payroll because the staff was on the government payroll. If they'd had to account for sales revenue and expenses like a business, they'd have lost money for every hour they were open.

    2. markm, where do you get your information from, the National Enquirer?

  9. Slo-Joe is the one ripping us off. How dare he take "credit" for the shit jar economy he's saddled us with. I'm counting the days until we're rid of him and pray we last that long!


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