
Friday, February 23, 2024

A preview of reparations?

A Washington DC mom has shared how she splurged most of a $10,000 taxpayer-funded lump sum intended for impoverished mothers on a luxury holiday to Miami.

Canethia Miller, 27, was accepted onto a DC government pilot last year as she and he three children were struggling to make ends meet. The Strong Futures program is one of many across the US - but the only one to offer the cash as a $10,800 lump sum, rather than in 12 smaller monthly installments.

Miller opted for the former - and confessed to the Washington Post that she splurged more than $6,000 of the windfall on a five night trip to Miami for herself and her three sons.


  1. Yup. Give someone with no concept of planning for the future a huge lump of money and they will spend it for the endorphin rush.

  2. Having worked in Black Slums of Los Angeles to pay for college and life in the mid 70s for the phone company I learned that most welfare people had more then I did and they did nothing to change. Giving them money will not change anything.

  3. Democratic reparations to democrats for democrat policies in history is of no concern for either this republic and or republicans.

  4. Man I can see how she thinks...Hot Mama gotta share. da wealth!

  5. There need to be strings attached on Welfare or any kind of public assistance.
    For one, no voting at all at any level, as there is a huge conflict of interest to vote for those that keep the FREE money flowing.
    Next, there must be some kind of work involved, handicapped or not.
    If you are a single mother, and have more than two kids, you will be chemically sterilized while you are on welfare. Get off of welfare your off of serialization meds.
    If fraud is discovered, you will never receive any public assistance ever again.
    All assistance is reviewed every two months
    I could go on.
    Then we get into the shit bags that work for the government who manage these programs, and the fraud, waste, and abuse.

  6. It’s called being n****r rich!!!

  7. Ha ha, she hit the "KneeGrow Lottery". Now she be "Well we're movin' on up, To the east side.
    @Luis-Fish don't fry in the kitchen

  8. Anyone damned fool enough to believe that negroes will ever be satisfied with any amount of wealth unilaterally transferred to them does not know negroes.

  9. Isn't it strange that the first name is ALWAYS a giveaway?

    1. Why be fore you don'ts likez the name Canifia and shizzle, yo? Rayciss!

  10. But ... but ... all that spending is good for the GDP. Don't you feel good helping the needy AND the US economy at the same time? Maybe they'll help pay for your food when they come to live with you. /sarc

  11. Canethia Miller like most of the rest of them is a nupid stigger....and we've already paid enough.

  12. Delayed gratification. A white privilege.

  13. Looks like in America now, one either cheers for the maggots, or cheers for the corpse - either way, a smelly mess.


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