
Friday, February 23, 2024

NYT publisher: White House ‘extremely upset’ on Biden age coverage

The New York Times Publisher A.G. Sulzberger said Monday that the White House is “extremely upset” about its coverage on President Joe Biden’s age but the newspaper will “continue to report fully and fairly.” 

“We are going to continue to report fully and fairly, not just on Donald Trump but also on President Joe Biden,” Sulzberger said in an interview with The Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism.


  1. Tough shit.....suck my dick, biden....

  2. The MSM is fitting the noose and his minders are about to kick the stool out from under him as soon as the executioner Obama drops his hand.

  3. The Democrats are desperate to replace Biden at the top of the ticket. Once it looks like that won't happen, expect coverage to go back to positive for Biden.

  4. He ain't going to any younger or wise he will only wander off with the pixies more and more

  5. People should scream "Hunter for prison" whenever they can get within earshot of him. Disrupt anywhere he goes in public with that. Wear a Hunter mask. That would really send that demented senile fucker into a rage.

  6. Any other D makes FJB look good. Mike? H? Buttfuk? etc? Maybe Nikki?


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