
Friday, February 23, 2024

Get Out of New York, If You Can

My parents’ parents were born and lived in New York. My parents were born and lived in New York. I was born and grew up in New York, went to college in New York, and returned to New York after law school for a decade. My children were born in New York. Some of my grandchildren were born in New York. I work in New York and live part of the year in New York.

At one time, I even had an “I ♥ NY” t-shirt.

Now I’m counting down the years until I retire from Cornell and can leave New York completely and for good, never to look back.


  1. Bill Jacobson’s website. Good man; teaches securities law at Cornell Law School. Good website to bookmark.

    1. Hear, hear! Legal Insurrection was the only website for a long time to carry news of the fiasco of Oberlin College's woke assault on Gibson's Bakery and how they tried to drive them out of business. What I fear is the Dems (with the GOP-E turning a very blind eye) will steal this election and what's happening to Pres. Trump will happen to all of us from here on out.

  2. Many Democrat cities in America are a problem, but NYC is the major Basal cell carcinoma on America's skin. You can't run from cancer; it has to be excised

    1. The cancer has metastasized- it has spread to D.C., Sacto, S.F., Chi Town, Denver, Austin, Detroilet, L.A. and elsewhere.
      To make matters worse, our Country is infested with parasites from third-world pestholes.
      And our "leaders" are corrupt, feckless sellouts.
      Interesting times.
      The worst is yet to come.

  3. I wouldn't be surprised if NY pursued an escaping tax payer across state lines to make sure they pay their fair share to NY state even if you no longer live or work there. I recall Rush commenting on his show years ago that he had to be very careful to not spend too much time in NY or they would send him a tax bill even though he lived in Florida and only occasionally visited the state. He was pursued for NY taxes for about a decade after he left. So, leaving NY may not end your tax obligations (in their view).

    1. Starker here,
      Louis Rossman has the same complaints about NY taxes every year after he left. And the lengths to which he has gone to convince them that he doesn't owe them anything.

    2. Same problem with Califukinfornia

  4. Where else can you see the Rockefeller Center and get set on fire and thrown off the top of a building all in the same day?

  5. Thankfully I am not in New York or the U S A so worries there for me

  6. I am told that Florida and Texas are full, is that true?

  7. THe people of New York voted for this. (or t least the votes for them were counted that way)

    It's not like the candidates didn't say what they were gonna do.

  8. He failed to mention the services to citizens being cut to provide for the illegals coming in.

  9. No, no, no.... keep your leftists voting ass right where you are... You and your family help create that craphole, you're not welcome to come here and fuck this up as well...

    1. A fucking men.....New York is like the old whore areas in Panama that were surrounded by a kept the clap and the syph in one place...

  10. I left Long Island in 1986 to join the Navy. Up til my 4th year of enlistment, as my official 'home of record', NY was sucking taxes out of my measly E-1-E5 paycheck. Once I got stationed in TX, I cut that cord, and never looked back. I go visit Mom and brother once a year...and it gets more like NYC all the time. No thanks. I've lived on the MS Coast for 20 years..I have found my happy place!

  11. I've known that NY was an evil place since the 50's, when as a child growing up in Florida we had to put up with their rudeness and terrible driving....waiters and waitresses used to complain about having to wait on the assholes and their lousy tipping and constant was as if these people were from a different country.....that has been expanded on today....I don't want them here in Florida, and I hope they'll get distracted in North Carolina on the way and stay there....


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