
Wednesday, February 07, 2024

A reprimand?

An Army lieutenant colonel who trained future officers will receive a reprimand but serve no jail time for spying on a changing room with a hidden camera at a store that caters to teenagers and young adults. 

Army Lt. Col. Jacob J. Sweatland served as chair of the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps program at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, CA when he was arrested for hiding a camera in a dressing room in a PacSun clothing store that was discovered by a teenage girl.


  1. Not having been in any branch of the military, but its my understanding that a letter of reprimand for an officer puts a stop to any future career advancement. Or not?

    1. These days though it could be your ticket to a job in the white house.

    2. He's not saving his career for promotion. What they've given him is his pension. As a line LTC, the chances are he's close to his twenty years in. I don't know if it's still the case, but when I was in the Army, if you left before 20 years, you got *no* retirement benefits. He's not going to get his bird, but he will cash out.

  2. We really need scumbags like that leading our fine brave young soldiers.

  3. That non-punishment likely came down from his commander in chief, better known as the Pedophile Of The United States.

  4. Living up to the credo: "Rangers lead the way'.

    1. Looks like a Leg Ranger, probably a tanker or REMF.

    2. Most officers are school rangers, few are battalion rangers. Yuuuge difference and just promotion points for the pampered princes having a tab.

  5. Having spent 22 years in the Army I can say we had a few people that were bat shit crazy killers, a couple of child molesters and a shit load of drug users and thieves. Generally, these shitbags were identified early in their careers and eliminated. I always felt my family was safer on base than in any of the surrounding communities. Now a days, it appears more and more are slipping through the cracks and rising to positions of authority that can make them even more dangerous. Society itself seems to have lost it's moral compass and our military has always been a reflection of that society. But our government has always attempted to "engineer" to the military to bring about their desired societal changes. No good will come of this, but at this point in our decline, it's going to take more than a few good men to get this train back on track. Breaks my heart. Eod1sg Ret

  6. Replies

  7. He's likely been identified as someone who would willingly "follow orders" and commit war crimes.

  8. A perfect leader for the tranny faggot military that America is now stuck with


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