
Thursday, February 22, 2024

Can't run a country, can't control a dog

President Biden has given first dog Commander to relatives, the White House said Wednesday following revelations of more brutal attacks on Secret Service employees — including a case in which White House tours were suspended to mop up blood from the floor of the East Wing and another attack where an agent suffered a “severe deep open wound” at Biden’s Delaware vacation home.


  1. If you were blamed every time the Big Guy shit on the floor, you might bite people, too.

  2. It is probably a good idea for anyone with a fifty year history of fornicating the canine to get rid of the dog. It stands to reason why Commander has trouble lashing out.

  3. You don't get a vicious by accident. Nasty owners have nasty pets.

  4. secret service should know better than to take biden's jello.

  5. Seems many times, cops love to shoot homeowners' dogs, yet the SS allow that one to live.
    Go figure.

  6. That good boy needs to be run hard and often...what an waste.

    Chutes Magoo

  7. I don't blame the dogs; I blame the owner. In this case it's not my POTUS, so I'm wondering why the White House doesn't have an official dog handler?

  8. Just in: Penn State professor Themis Matsoukas has volunteered to adopt Commander and make him obey simple commands like "relax it'll hurt at first, but you'll like it anyway".

  9. These agents are armed, are they not? The dog attacks, and not one of them shot it?

  10. Without any time in memory in the defense, I can say I have never known of a dog with "anger issues" that wasn't owned by a guy who mistreated it. One guy I knew years ago, was having a few beers with me in his back yard. He had a really nice purebred springer spaniel, and a Chesapeake Bay retriever, both fed well, etc. - but he was very abusive. He kicked his springer one time in front of me and I told him I'd beat his ass if he did it again. He thought I wasn't serious and, well... found out. Turns out he treated his wife and kids about the same. Saw his then ex-wife and kids at the store a year later, happy to have eacaped; and tried not to smile as she told me of the time his Chesapeake turned on him and bit the hell out of his soon to be former owner.
    Fuck assholes who mistreat dogs.

  11. They gave Commander to Hunter.

    There is a movie coming out next year called "Cocaine Dog"

  12. The behavior of Biden's two dogs does not surprise me in the least. Dogs, at their core, are pack protectors. Dogs also have an exquisite emotional barometer. They can sense the emotional tenor of a room without anyone speaking. Given these facts, it is not surprising that Biden's dogs are biters - they are frequently confused and upset by their senile master's emotional volatility. When Biden snaps, as he frequently does, the dog jumps to alert and moves to protect his master. Little does the dog know that his master has lost his marbles. I only hope that both dogs get stable masters.

    1. A guy I worked with kept his dog chained to a post in his backyard when he was at work because the dog would climb over the fence. When the dog barked the next door neighbor would hose the dog with water. One day the neighbor had been drinking and went through the gate with the Beware of Dog sign and tried to grab the dog. The dog shredded the guys hand and his wife rushed him to the hospital. The dogs owner called police and filed a complaint just to get it on the record.

  13. Those dogs of theirs have been abused no doubt.

  14. It would be cool if a Secret Service agent decided it was a threat and put a few caps in it's ass.

  15. Laughing at anon movie coccinellids dog that's funny

  16. I cannot fathom how one of the Secret Service hasn’t dumped his magazine into this dog after getting attacked by it. Because that’s sure as hell what they’d do to MY dog or YOUR dog if it but them. Secret Service are still cops, and cops absolutely LIVE to shoot people’s dogs. They love killing people’s dogs like preachers love sinning.


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