
Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Commentary: Endless Lawfare Against Trump is Driven by Marxism and Fear

The latest in Democrat lawfare against President Trump is nothing more than a disgusting sham. The “ruling” in the New York civil trial, where a leftist judge, who has allegedly donated exclusively to Democrats, told Trump, at the behest of a state Attorney General whose sole purpose is to be a “real pain in the ass,” that he must pay $355 million and not do business in the state for three years as punishment for a made-up “crime,” is nothing short of totalitarian. 

It has been argued by many as to why the case is meritless, namely because there was no crime committed and no damaged entity, as the banks who loaned Trump money did it happily on their own and were paid back. They assessed Trump’s net worth independently, which is apparently standard practice in the New York State real estate market.


  1. I am seeing some push-back from large corporation executives who are saying, "Today they came for Trump; tomorrow it could be me". I like to think that they are correct in predicting that many companies are going to choose to get out of reach of the New York State Judicial System.

  2. These leftest judges and DAs need to swing. Or at least assume room temperature.

  3. NY investment firm, Cardone Capital will no longer underwrite New York real estate.

    "“Immediately discontinue ALL underwriting on New York City real estate,” Cardone ordered his firm in a post on X. “The risk outweigh the opportunities at this time. Recent political decisions will continue to deteriorate price and benefit states that don’t have these challenges, focus on Texas & Florida.”

    - WDS

  4. If I ran a multi trillion dollar business you can bet I would be getting out of NYC.

  5. Democratic democracy is exactly what they say it is. They aren't scared of Trump. They are terrified of losing power again. The first 4 yr stint almost cost them everything.

  6. The people of NYC, the everyday folk, need to feel the pain they caused! This corruption has to stop and the only way it will is if the people that caused it suffer the consequences of their choices - brutally! I would love to see a nationwide boycott of the city, the entire state if necessary.

    "Escape From New York" might become a true story.

  7. We are NOT a union of states any longer. The nation was less divided during the War of Northern Aggression.

  8. The left is using "Lawfare" against Trump...and anyone else opposing them they wish destroyed because it works. The left totally controls the mechanisms of law enforcement including the vast majority of judges. The cost of prosecuting/persecuting their enemies is
    paid for by we the people as taxes. Thus they have unlimited resources to use in their war on freedom. Even their richest targets like Trump can't fight them forever. So lawfare is becoming a very useful strategy for them.

  9. They're going at Trump just as they went after Gov. Sarah Palin in Alaska. The specific techniques are different but the aim is the same: use the system to hound anyone they don't like out of the game. If a Republican is elected to any office they really want they'll make it impossible for that person to govern with non-stop lawsuits. This is a very well organized attempt to cripple non-Progressive politicians they view as a credible threat to their power. This is not going to end well because for all intents and purposes the USA is now un-governable. It's either going to be a slide into tyranny or civil war.


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