
Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Dog found with snout zip-tied shut adopted by police officer who rescued him

SOUTH BEND, Ind. — A dog discovered last week with his snout zip-tied shut has been adopted by the Indiana police officer who found him, authorities said Monday.

The South Bend Police Department said in a Facebook post that South Bend Police Officer Stephanie Northcutt adopted the dog, now named Zeus.

Northcutt found the Doberman with a dark-colored zip tie tied tightly around his snout in the southern area of South Bend on Feb. 9, WNDU-TV reported. She gently approached the frightened animal and gained his trust, allowing a bystander to help remove the zip-tie, according to the television station.


  1. I am glad the dog found a home. now, the asshole who zip tired the dog. may you die slowly burning
    in a puddle of gas . but that just me. getting eaten alive works too. dave in pa.

  2. Am I an a-hole for wanting to put a zip-tie around the throat of the cockroach who did that to the dog, and tighten it until I can't get my pinky finger through the opening?


  3. South Bend, once a prosperous and industry rich town (enough so to be on the Soviets top ten nuclear hit list) is now a shithole created by unions running out the businesses and demonrats destroying everything else. There are homeless/insane people wander everywhere, shootings/stabbings/beatings/robberies every night. The inmates have been running the asylum for far too long.

    Just another American city in decline.

    She named the dog there must be an Apollo and somehow a Ferrari involved.

  4. Lucky this was in February. Dogs don't sweat, and control their temperature by panting in hot weather.

    1. Thank you Mr. Wizard, the whole article was over your head, Lucky?

    2. No, Anon, I got it. I was pointing out that if it happened in Summer, it would have been a lot worse. Since your response was dialed up to about eleven, I get the impression you're one of those guys who always has to have the last word, so instead of getting into a meaningless internet pissing contest, go ahead and have it.

  5. I've raised Dobies since I was in high school. Understand this: I'm not condoning the ziptie. But, with that said: Doberman dogs can get themselves worked up to a point they can't stop barking, whining, or a combination of both. Ellie is my most recent, and an incredibly intelligent dog. For the last 2 weeks, she's decided to howl. No shit. Just like that. She watched one of my neighbors drive by going home yesterday, and and there she goes. You'd think the fire siren was going off. Funny as hell, to a point. Ken could here her inside his truck @ 100yds. My preferred silencer is duct tape. But like U. of Saigon said, not in situations where they need to expel 'sweat', and it's not the total 'solution', but it lets them wind down some, because, they can WIND UP! DAMN can they get annoying. This could be as simple as 'walk a mile in my shoes'.....


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