
Thursday, February 08, 2024

Government Jobs Soared to New Record for Another Month as Federal Debt Piles Up

The U.S. set a new record in January for the total number of Americans employed by the government, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). 

The government added 36,000 new employees in January, with 11,000 in the federal government and 19,000 in local government, totaling 23,091,000, according to the BLS. January’s total outdid the previous record of 23,055,000 that was set in December, marking the third month in a row with a new record.


  1. That says nothing about the number of contractors the gov hires. They do everything from wash dishes in the mess hall to protect US embassy around the world.

  2. government workers should not count as employed in the labor statistics. They should have a glorified welfare count.

  3. That 7.1% of the US population. It needs to be cut to less than 1%

  4. All smoke and mirrors, too.

  5. 23M govt tax eaters, out of 160M total employed. 1 out of 7. So it takes 6 workers seized labor to support 1 tax eater.

    Every time someone whined govt. needs to fix something they piled more on. They're disproportionately black so I guess one could say the civilian workforce has a monkey on its back.

  6. "disproportionately black": At least they pretend to work for their welfare check

  7. That employment figure include the once free people who traded their liberty for the the government's promise of safety slavery?

  8. Don't forget 2020's 81 million 'voters'. Those ALSO work for the government.


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