
Thursday, February 08, 2024

Maf is Hard

Maf is hard, but maf itself is by no means secret. Neither is science (scienf?) secret. Both of those, math and science, while they may be hard to understand, work the same for anyone who cares to look, by definition. 

What is hard to understand, however, is why the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) recently chose to investigate the Grim Reapers, a bunch of gamers led by SuperCap, ordering the latter to turn over any information in his possession. For playing a game. Admittedly, it is a game that shows that the U.S. Navy is way behind the power curve against an array of potential adversaries, as described in a previous article, Wet Paper Tiger. More on that in a bit.


  1. Too much order & precision in Mafs to appeal to the unprecise & disorderly, right Yogi?

  2. It's a way for the navy to pick up tips for free.

  3. The US Navy supports diversity - it's a wonder they're even on the power curve

  4. SuperCap is a UK citizen and resident. It will be interesting to see how this plays out


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