
Friday, February 09, 2024

'Hard landing'

A 73-year-old man has died in a skydiving incident after he suffered a hard landing when his parachute didn't fully deploy during his jump, police say. 

The incident, which happened last Wednesday in Eloy, Arizona -- approximately 70 miles south of Phoenix -- when Terry Gardner, a Casa Grande resident, jumped from a plane at 12:04 p.m., his third jump of the day, according to a statement from the Eloy Police Department.


  1. better than dying in a hospital bed not knowing who you are or what's going on.

  2. A certain percentage of sky divers die from the sudden stop. One has to happen every now and then to keep the percentage going. Consider him a sacrifice to the sky diving god. I forget his name.

  3. I started that shit on the civilian side while I was in college, first was 1978. First time i was in a small plane I jumped out, that kept happening for a while. Until one weekend I saw a student freeze and fly into high power lines. Target fixation much? Then the best was a Roman candle by an experienced jumper. Saw Some other stupid shit and I was done. Less than ten years later I am hang gliding, much safer, and a better ride.

    1. I flew hang gliders for 17 years, and that was 20 years ago. I've been up to 18,000 ft without a motor.

  4. Add me to the list of hang glider pilots on this site. Just hit my 38th anniversary. I, too, have been to 18K. Did that in the Owens Valley a couple of decades or so ago.

  5. 73? Hard to heal from a trip over a crack in the sidewalk. Unless Anon #1 pegged it.

  6. Skydivers, good to the last drop!

  7. Thats why its called terminal velocity

  8. I know it sounds harsh, but you jumped out of a perfectly good plane. Zero fucks are given from me...


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