
Thursday, February 29, 2024

"He's The One Behind Everything" - Victor Davis Hanson

VIDEO HERE  (7:06 minutes)


  1. Hanson occasionally is correct. Like a broken clock, he is right twice a day. But, anyone that believes that the Mulatto Savior has the intellectual capacity, the ability to formulate strategy, and the will and energy to carry it out is foolish. The guy is a stuffed shirt. He is a well dressed negro, trotted out to make White women feel good about their foolish political beliefs. He only does what he is told. Except for the gay sex. He does that because he enjoys it.

    1. Orca Winfrey was the shoehorn for that tan loafer.

    2. Agreed. If you look close enough you can see the strings rising from the Mocha Messiah puppet.

    3. Now explain to us who's pulling those puppet strings.


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