
Thursday, February 08, 2024

Joe Rhea's Epic Rant

I was served with a cease and desist order from a useless scope company . Said the truth about their shady business practices and got threatened with a lawsuit . It’s insane how quick people are to slap a suit on someone today.
VIDEO HERE  (3:29 minutes)


Joe Rhea is the only optics channel I follow, and if you watch the video you'll see why. 
I hope youtube lets this stay up.


  1. Someone out there know the co. he's talking about?

    Chutes Magoo

    1. Nc Star perhaps. Only sold at gunshows. Chineseium garbage. First time I held one of thier scopes, you could just tell it was crap.

  2. Yup, fuck them bitches.

  3. Well shit, I wish he wouldn't hold back and tell us how he really feels!

  4. A lot of that going around these days

  5. Watched his leader board of scope cos he likes and all of the ones I currently own were on it. Yippe. Only one I did not see on his list was bursa and I don’t have any of them for a reason.

  6. What the company was threatening is known as a SLAPP suit.
    Most, but not all states have anti-SLAPP suit legislation and they vary in scope of protection.

    If the scope company tried that shit in a state that has comprehensive anti-slap legislation, that guy would be laughing to the bank.


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