
Monday, February 19, 2024

Migrant Crime Turning Cities Into War Zones, Time to Clean House

Criminals posing as asylum seekers are turning American cities into war zones.

The Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua, feared for how it tortures its victims, is setting up business in New York City, police sources reveal.

Gang members recruit migrants from shelters and as they come off buses from Texas, putting then to work in retail theft rings or on mopeds, grabbing phones and handbags and roughing up pedestrians.


  1. If the truckers "action" against NYC materializes as called for, these criminals will be decamping to the burbs tout suite. Once they get out into the hinterlands, we'll see how long they last. I see a target rich environment in the burbs, shortly.\


    1. In the 'burbs/hinterlands of NYC, they're still probably safe from prosecution.

      And a pox on all those 81 million that voted for Joe Biden.

  2. Its too late, absolutely nothing will be done to stop this now from either political party or side. The central and south american counties emptied their prisons and sent them to us. The estimated number of invaders is somewhere between 15- 25 million since Biden came into power. There is no way to imprison them all, no space. No way to SAVE them from a life of crime or rehabilitate. No way will the pols execute them which is the best choice. Deportation wont work they will just come back over. And they out number all of Law Enforcement and Military COMBINED by a ratio of somewhere between 5 to 9 to one. Think about that one, while the idiots in Washington want war with the world.

  3. Live fire at the border

  4. Gee, it's not like they weren't warned BY EVERYONE IN THE FUCKING COUNTRY THAT HAD A BRAIN!!

  5. Sanctuary cities.. You asked for this!

    1. Word. Enjoy your demise, you woke, degenerate leftists.

    2. My family moved from Long Island fifty years ago. I don’t think there was a Mexican restaurant within 500 miles of where I grew up. A couple of years ago I read about MS-13 gang killings two towns from where I was born. The invasion isn’t going to happen, it has happened.
      But of course, Iran is too stupid to have sent thousands of sleepers during all this.
      I need to buy more ammo.

  6. Looks like Hollywood was right. Escape from New York was a training video.

  7. It is not 'Migrant Crime'. It is Democrat Crime. They brought them in and they KNEW this was going to happen. Yes, Joe is too senile to stand trial, but all the rest of them are just fine.
    May the public hangings begin. I suggest Wednesday nights after dinner?

  8. I remember when this was a "California" problem and the East Coast told us to f*ck off. Hope they enjoy their time in the barrel.


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