
Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Minnesota ‘Assault Weapon’ Ban Includes ‘Fixed Magazine’ .22s Holding More Than 10 Rounds

“[Minnesota’s] House File 3570 was referred to the House Committee on Public Safety Finance and Policy and would ban so called ‘assault weapons by expanding upon an existing statute used to define these firearms,” NRA-ILA reported Wednesday. “The bill would also prohibit the sale or transfer of ‘assault weapons’, establish a buyback program, and call for an appropriation from the general fund.”


So much for your little Marlin Model 60 that you plink with.


  1. It also covers my Mohawk Brown Nylon 66 I've had for 45 years.

    1. Fun rifle. Have one as well.

    2. @Mikey Also my thought as I own one also.

  2. Time to move away!

    Chutes Magoo

    1. Solid strategy.... I mean running away got us this far, right?

    2. @lol no February 22, 2024 at 8:56 AM

      We said "Hang 'em all". The last time they tried it. What more can we do?

  3. Irving J. ItchuballsFebruary 21, 2024 at 3:53 PM

    The gubmint can't buy "BACK" something they never owned. Screw these fascists.

  4. Isn't Minnesota a Muslim state now? 10 round Ak's are ok then?

    1. No, they are not ok. They must be 30 rounds.

  5. i love my little Marlin Model 60. i bought it at a TG&Y in the early 80's for 90 bucks. i still have it and it still shoots good. i can hit anything i can see with it. its a keeper.

    1. In the very late 70's, Dad bought a Marlin 60 at a K-Mart on a Blue Light Special price (remember them ? ) for $40 - tax included. Helluva good gun, nothing fancy but reliable and a great plinking rifle. You could make a couple of boxes of 50 disappear in a snap. I still own it, but haven't taken it out in at least 10 years. RIP Dad.

  6. And I will comply with this. Right??

  7. "So much for your little Marlin Model 60 that you plink with."
    Please tell me WC didn't type that...cos it LOOKS like he did...

  8. Minnesotans imported Somalia, Minnesota bears the consequence. Pay attention America.

  9. I hope everyone living in Minnestan who wanted some has already bought a plethora of magazines. I've got a feeling they will become scarce and very expensive in the coming weeks. Such legislation is intended to hamstring honest gun owning Americans and make them ineffective against global force. In the last 90 years too many infringements on the Second Amendment have occurred. Such actions have done nothing in the way hampering or much less eliminating violence or crime. This type of proposed legislation is backed by the haters of Liberty and everything traditional Americans have stood for. To hell with those folks.

    1. Compliance with a AW registration scheme in Illinois has less then 2%. People are done obeying unconstitutional laws in this lawless society. You know what comes next.

  10. I have a 7 shot Ted Williams that is balls accurate. I have shot beer bottle caps at 50 yards with it.

  11. I have a Mod 60. My grandfather had one leaning against the back door jam for as long as I can remember. It was used for shooting crows and other nuisances on his property. The rifle disappeared after he had his second stroke, as well as the rotor in his distributor. He never did figure out the rotor trick, but it prevented him from driving off and hurting somebody.

    1. First car I ever bought, upon buying it the seller handed me an old set of spark plug wires and a rotor. Apparently the car belonged to his Dad and they had removed the rotor and wires to prevent him from driving off due to dementia. Seemed to be a common trick back before all the electronics they put on the cars.

    2. I have my Grandfather's model 60.

    3. Starker here,
      Now days we remove the fuel pump fuse or relay.
      The more you know *

  12. committee on public safety? what? we cannot be trusted with our own safety and need to have it run by idiots?

  13. And the fudds still wont get what the endgame is.

  14. the same .gov assholes who are "welcoming in" millions of military aged males, unvetted and from who the fuck knows where; and "distributes" them around the country - wants to infringe on the 2nd Amendment of OUR Constitution. Right. Sure. Uh huh...
    Start by telling them "fuck no - shall not be infringed". Then, starting now - begin to pass word around to your friends, neighbors, and online - that we appreciate the .gov shipping all over the country, so when this shit storm lights off, we can all participate in the elimination of the hordes of invasion.
    We have the firearms and ammunition and etc. that they are certain we will use. It now behooves us to convince them "you're correct! We sure are going to start shooting you fuckers!" It is way past time for us to actually be who they insist we are.


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