
Thursday, February 15, 2024

New York expands curfew to migrant shelters amid rising violence

NEW YORK (AP) - New York is expanding a curfew to additional migrant shelters after violent incidents attributed to migrant shelter residents gained national attention in recent weeks. 

Mayor Eric Adams' administration will impose an 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. curfew at 20 migrant shelters starting Monday, after initially placing the restrictions at four other locations, spokesperson Kayla Mamelak said Sunday.


  1. How they gonna enforce an illegal alien curfew. Shit they can't even stop the "migrant" assholes from beatin' the crap out of the cops in Times Square.

    1. The former pig is just pandering to folks whining he “do something”.
      Being hired as a pig in the first place should give normal folks the hint he ain’t real bright.

      TMF Bert

  2. Texas needs to send more mojados to NYC. Yea, this Mexican said it.

    1. I had a good friend who immigrated here legally from Mexico and became a US citizen. About a month after he became a citizen, an illegal alien with no insurance ran a stop sign and totaled his car. My buddy’s comment was “pinche mojado.”

  3. Seems like NYC's Mayor is committing a hate crime against those crimmigrants he has.


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