
Friday, February 23, 2024

New York Moves to Begin Vaccinating Children Without Parental Consent

Democrat lawmakers in New York State are pushing new legislation that will allow for children to be vaccinated or put through surgical procedures without their parents’ consent.

The lawmakers behind deeply misleading legislation argue that minors should be able to make their own decisions about medical treatments.

However, it has long been established in law that children are not able to consent for themselves and, as such, their parents must make decisions on a number of issues for them.


  1. OK then, fine. If the minor is able to make his own decisions about medical treatments, then don't go punishing the parents if the minor decides to steal a gun from the house and shoot somebody!

  2. Throwback to the mandatory government sterilization laws. So, mix this law with the public education system's fight to declare your child a transgender child without parental knowledge and we are back at mandatory sterilization.

  3. Assembly Bill A6761 Allows homeless youth to give effective consent to certain medical, dental, health, and hospital services; provides for insurance coverage of such health care services consented to by such youth. Yea, homeless is just the beginning of the slipery progressive slope.

    1. Homelessness does NOT take precedent over parental rights - you're right, it's just Progressive BS. Does being homeless give your children over to the state to raise? I'd like to see the child abusers and Medicare fraudsters behind AB A6761 make that claim up front since it is apparent that they view "homelessness" as giving them carte blanche.

  4. I hate this state New York, I do not have enough money to move elsewhere. At 72 I’m stuck here. There is so much that I want to say but the powers are listening. The rebellion is coming.

    1. Consider Thailand, Philippines or Colombia. You are welcome. Those gals really don't mind age gap relationships, either.

  5. This is the precursor for elementary school children to consent to sex.

  6. If the State of New York decides they are the Lawful Guardians, then every single last shooting death committed by a minor is the responsibility of the State of New York, and can now be legally sued for damages.

    1. I don't argue with the logic here but when has the state ever accepted responsibility for it's actions or lack thereof?

  7. You know at this point only a complete idiot would live in New York.

  8. Either they'll put up with it, or lots of bodies will hit the foor...and not just from the jab.

  9. "minors should be able to make their own decisions".
    They can drive.
    They can drink.
    They can buy a gun.
    They can have sex with a pedophile.

    I bet you the left is planning this last one.

    1. Here in Maryland some jurisdictions are allowing 16 year-olds to vote in municipal elections. Add that to all of the illegal alien / human trafficking victims incorporated into the local economy and you can see that the Democrats are enjoying a renaissance of their plantation days.

  10. At least now we know how long "never again" lasts.


  11. New York residents? Serving the still living colonial government that owns them? Being "thinned"?

    Where's the meme button? [Seinfeld pic, caption "That's a shame."]


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