
Friday, February 23, 2024

Why the US Lost the Tet Offensive Despite Beating the NVA (Vietnam War Documentary)

After years of boots on the ground and bloody combat in Vietnam, US officials are publicly confident. The strategy of eliminating the Viet Cong is working. The North Vietnamese communist forces are on their last legs and victory is only a matter of time. Or so they say. But as 1968 and the traditional lunar new year festivities begin, US and South Vietnamese troops find themselves on the receiving end of a formidable North Vietnamese surprise attack: The Tet Offensive.

VIDEO HERE  (27:19 minutes)


  1. Mistakes were made...
    ...and continue.
    (FJB- I'm looking at you.)

  2. Is it just me, or does the political wrangling of that time, accompanied by non-uniformed troop infiltration seem a lot like 2024 United States?

  3. We lost the Viet Nam war because we did not have a good general on the ground. That war was run on the cheap from Washington. That is how to lose a war. And it is how we lost in Iraq as well. Just took longer to metastasize.

  4. We would have won that whole war if the us hadn't ham-stringed or hobbled its forces. Letting civilians make decisions for engagement and combat was just plain stupid. And I was in Viet Nam.

    1. Yep, it was a political war in DC and botched in DC. The clueless were in charge and it showed. Then the democrats defunded the South and the rest is history.

  5. If you look closely, all battle plans by the U.S. had to be approved by the U.N. Security Council. Therefore, that information was then passed down to the NVA. The so called Rule of Engagement came from the U.N. The U.N. purpose was to help facilitate the fall of America.

  6. If Kissinger and McMarma hadn't not been around as an advisors, we would have won. I swear both either worked for the UN and the Military Corporations.

  7. The US Army was forced to fight in Vietnam with both hands tied behind their backs and still kicked the everloving bejeebers out of both the Viet Cong and the NV regulars. We did not lose in Vietnam...we left. And we bailed because the quisling commie media whores here in America who were siding with the commies lied constantly about the war causing most Americans to be against the war. If the media had been allowed to act during WWII the way they acted during the Vietnam war and have acted nonstop since then Hitler and Tojo would have won.

  8. Maybe I missed something.... I seem to remember the Viet Cong being wiped out during Tet, never to amount to much after. I remember North Vietnam suing us for peace after Linebaker 2. I figure we lost it after Nixon quit. The Dems won big in the next election and didn't honor the agreement we signed with South Vietnam. Wasn't it Senator Fulbright that said, "F 'em. I can't see them from my house"? We turned our backs on our allies. Then Laos and Cambodia fell too. Feckless politicians...

    1. The fall of America has been facilitated by the democratic/communist party in this country since Wilson....wanna' save the country?....kill all the democrats....remember, we can't have a one world government as long as America stands free....thus the shuffling in of third world citizens....replacing the population with 3rd worlders....

  9. As a US Marine veteran of the Battle of Hue City, I can honestly say that we kicked the NVA and VC's ass. The problem back then was that the so-called American "leaders" did not have the brass to go ahead and attack the north and end the f*ckin' war.

  10. Break into somebody ELSE's house. Giggle while killing their children. Wink while raping their pets. And fifty years later, still heroically crying “We wuz kangz!”.

  11. The NVA got their butts kicked at Tet, big time. I read that after the war they admitted they knew they lost big, so much so they were ready to throw in the towel. That's right, they were thinking of surrendering until they heard how Walter Cronkite was presenting the results on the evening news broadcast. That gave them hope and encouragement to hang in there. The rest is history. Unfortunately, I can't remember for the life of me where I read that.

  12. The problem is that, although the Tet Offensive was defeated, to pull off the initial attacks obviously required Commie forces that our politicians had been claiming had already been destroyed or never existed. Even the gullible fools that didn't know LBJ was lying in 1965 now knew he was lying, he had been all along, so were the generals, and the news was either joining in the lies or too stupid to recognize when they were lied to. So how could we believe anything they said afterwards?

    And Nixon never figured out how to show us he was really different. I think part of the trouble was that, although he did fundamentally change the strategy, he wasn't ready to call the entire establishment liars and fools - but that made him look like he was continuing LBJ's basic strategy of propping up the losers in Saigon and letting McNamara attempt to win "hearts and minds" with napalm, while lying his head off. So most of the country assumed he was continuing to follow a losing strategy and using peace negotiations to cover that up until he could gracefully pull out and abandon the losers.


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