
Friday, February 02, 2024

"Not on my watch!"

The Houston Police Department is investigating a fatal early Saturday morning shooting. 

According to police, a male suspect approached a man and his girlfriend at the pumps at the "Zip In Zip Out" Chevron Gas Station located at 11095 Ella Blvd. Police say the suspect pistol-whipped the man at the gas station and demanded his wallet. 


  1. Wondering about the late perp's demographic. And his GF is not in custody as an accessory?

  2. Read the story. Watch the video.

    1. Yeah, watch the top video of the news report too, the first three quick stories make this one seem normal in Houston.

      16-year old scholars wrong-waying it on I-10 and sheeeeeiiiitttt.

      Happy Blaximus Munf!

  3. When I lived in Texas, it was generally believed you could use deadly force if you witness a felony of a subject fleeing from a felony. That has been some years ago, but that looked like a valid response to me. And, they referred the story to a grand jury. My guess is that he gets no-billed PDQ.

    1. You can use deadly force in the defense of another person. That said, it's Harris County with a Soros DA.

    2. The third party left? At that point, what further service can the state provide?
      Say the words. Say them.
      "He was known to this department."
      "He was on our radar."

  4. At this point the only thing police protect is the criminals. You and I receive a different service, we get fucked by the system while the criminals aren't even close to being held accountable.

  5. 1 happy ending, just need a 2nd one.

    That part of town is called Greenspoint by was changed to Gunspoint 30+ years ago.

  6. Good shoot'n!


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