
Friday, February 02, 2024

PsychoChicks - We've all had 'em

A 45-year-old woman in New York has been arrested after police performing a wellness check on her Brooklyn apartment allegedly discovered a dismembered human body — including a severed head — inside of a freezer that had been taped shut. Heather Stines, who lives in the apartment, was taken into custody on unrelated charges as authorities wait to obtain a search warrant for the home, authorities confirmed to Law&Crime.


  1. I see a new Law & Order Episode in the making...

  2. they “have to wait for the body (parts) to thaw out” first...

    I am cackling here, reading this story like it's some really, really bad sci-fi stinker, and my wife won't stop rolling her eyes at me.

    Don't follow me. I'm goin' to hell.

  3. Must be a zombie thing even if they are dismembered. Have to tape the freezer shut.

  4. Wait, the fuzz found a body inside a refer taped shut but have to wait for search warrant?

  5. Probably because their entry was for a welfare check. In most states they can act on anything in open view, but if they find the person alive and not in danger, they have to get a warrant to search or sieze other evidence. Ask a lawyer in your state.
    John in Indy

    1. How are the contents of a freezer "in open view"?

    2. That’s caught my attention too.


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