
Monday, February 12, 2024

Republicans gain ground among registered voters across California

Republicans are seeing a bump in registered voters across California, according to the latest voter registration report from the California secretary of state. 

That report still shows Democrats out register Republicans across California nearly two to one, but the California Republican Party says it's encouraged by the latest numbers.


  1. I've said it for a long time; the pendulum will swing the other way here first, as we've had to put up with the Left-Wing crap the longest! One need only look back to when California was a red state, see what it was like then, and see what it's like as a blue state now, to see which way we need to go here!

    1. Got rid of mail-in ballots did ya? How about Dominion / Safematic?

  2. Steve Garvey is running for senate out here. Watched a commercial against him, saying he's "too conservative" for CA, and that he voted for Trump twice. Honestly, I wondered if he had paid for it himself. Didn't hear anything I disagree with.

    1. That's an ad for Adam Schiff.
      In the first debate, after Garvey had had enough of Schiff's anti-Trump nonsense, Garvey reminded Schiff that he had lied to 300 million Americans about having seen the proof of Russian collusion. It did my heart good.

  3. Just more Kabuki theater for the masses. Both parties are corrupt and part of the uni party. Registrations numbers, polls, who you vote for doesn't matter when commies count the votes and then print the correct number of ballots needed to win. Stalin was correct on that one.
    Both parties are allowing and encouraging the southern invasion, that our replacements. Depending on who counting its somewhere between 20-35 million so far and increasing by 12,000/day. Their job is to take us out so the politicians and corporation can bleed what left of the country dry and be gone before the collapse. That's why the push for a world war by both parties, see its the Russians that caused the total collapse not us! The old FUSA is gone forever, accept that and sit back to watch it burn.

  4. LOL! As if that will actually make a difference in election results there!

  5. We, and the country, will see if this works out for the correct people and not for the incorrect libutrds that infect this country.

  6. Geez, I hope its not the democraps that are moving out of the "Golden" state...

  7. California hasn't had citizenship verification for voters since 1994.

  8. Also, VERY many of us are fed up with BOTH parties and decline to state. Still, we have the problem of perpetual election fraud to vanquish.


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